Fake Psychic, Real Physical Therapist.

Apr 04, 2015 22:13

IDK why I am so lazy about posting my art, omg! But look, here is the piece I did for K for his 50th birthday earlier this year. He is a huge fan of Psych - it's kind of freaking adorable - so I made him a little something to hang in his office.

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psych is my summer squee, shawn spencer is my baby-daddy, birthdays, art - mine, my girls, art - pencils & paints, that's why they call it a workout, art blahblahblahing, real life, fannish joy, sister oh sister

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Comments 9

vikingprincess April 5 2015, 02:16:35 UTC


dodger_sister April 12 2015, 22:17:20 UTC
Thank you! <3


denig37 April 5 2015, 15:42:00 UTC


dodger_sister April 12 2015, 22:18:36 UTC
H!!!!!! L!!!! C!!!

Oh sorry, I thought we were just yelling letters at each other. ;). <3


denig37 April 13 2015, 18:14:14 UTC
*starts to wave pom-poms around, wanting to chant "K"...realizes that chanting "KKK" might not be such a good idea...goes to sit in corner and sulks*


dodger_sister April 13 2015, 18:52:54 UTC
lol. omg. 8)


lizibabes April 18 2015, 18:25:09 UTC
So glad I decided to check up on your LJ while I was over here, We talked about this sign and I'm so glad I got to see it, it's very cool, I can imagine he loved it a ton. Art is a great gift.

Its a super cute art piece and I like what you said you wrote on the back, really awesome, you rock babe


dodger_sister April 29 2015, 21:04:10 UTC
Thank you! I put it up on Tumblr too, I am surprised you didn't see it there. It came out so much better than I thought it would and looking back on it, I think this was a way better idea than the sketch of him. Like this he can hang in his office and it works as an office sign and everything. These photos show pretty well how bright the coloring is too, which is something I really liked about it. I get frustrated when working on art but I try to stick with it cuz I know I'll like the end product.

Psychs fans unite!


lizibabes April 30 2015, 16:53:52 UTC
Maybe I saw it and forgot, I can be like that. But yeah it is awesome, great present for K.

Go Psych!


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