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Comments 9

vikingprincess October 20 2014, 22:49:50 UTC
Except for the sickies, it sounds like you had a WONDERFUL time (even with movie0induced tears), and I'm so glad!

Oh, I JUST BET that helping Mom with her iPad will be a continuing story....

Posted three times yesterday - two are personal and one is the TWD episode commentary. :)


dodger_sister October 24 2014, 20:15:00 UTC
Except for the sickies, it sounds like you had a WONDERFUL time (even with movie0induced tears), and I'm so glad!

I am so ashamed I cried over a stupid Nicholas Sparks movie. Dammit. Yes, it was a very good weekend!

Oh, I JUST BET that helping Mom with her iPad will be a continuing story....

Spent another hour with her today, helping her figure out her contacts and Words With Friends (I don't even play Words With Friends, so I had to learn first and then teach her!)

Posted three times yesterday - two are personal and one is the TWD episode commentary. :)

I saw that! I thought to myself, "Wow, VP needs some attention today, what's up?!" ;) Extra free time that day?


vikingprincess October 24 2014, 23:42:37 UTC
See? Ongoing electronic access saga....

I posted so many times for a couple of reasons: one, I hadn't posted in much too long; two, the dreams really were weird; and three, TWD always gets its own post!

I also don't especially like the first week after Fall Break in general. Even when I'm having a good year, a break just makes me love staying home more. So there may have been a small need for some positive reinforcement going on.


shirebound October 20 2014, 23:38:21 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that you and Sis are both sick. :(


dodger_sister October 24 2014, 20:17:30 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that you and Sis are both sick. :(

Sis is doing better, though she says that she isn't actually better, she is just so medicated with Theraflu and the like that she can't feel anything anymore. ;) My throat is like a bazillion times better, but now I have serious sinus drainage and am coughing and it is no good. We are both so disgusting right now.

Thank you, though. I will get better! I am not going to be sick all winter again this year! (I am trying to believe in power of will here.)


phamalama October 21 2014, 00:02:30 UTC
I went to an orchestra concert on Saturday night.... it was good because Tchaikovsky! I'm glad that you caught up with Arrow, I'm almost caught up to season 3 via Netflix! Only 3 episodes left of season 2 and the first few episodes of season 3! I'm surprised that there wasn't more Oliver/Slade noncon fanfics. Idk I really like Sara Lance's voice for some reason? Do you know what kind of accent that is (area around usa?).


dodger_sister October 24 2014, 20:26:19 UTC
I went to an orchestra concert on Saturday night.... it was good because Tchaikovsky!

Ooooh, I bet that was beautiful. I have only seen one orchestra performance but it was incredibly moving. <3

I'm glad that you caught up with Arrow, I'm almost caught up to season 3 via Netflix!

Have you finished S2 yet? The last 3 or 4 eps of that have some stunning turn of events that had me screaming my head off!

I'm surprised that there wasn't more Oliver/Slade noncon fanfics.

It really is set up for it, isn't it? I don't think Oli/Slade is much of a pairing in the fandom - sometimes it really just depends on what type of writer gets into the fandom. Oli/Felicity seems to be the main ship of the show, at least from what I see on Tumblr. I've never looked much at AO3 or other fic sites for Arrow fic though.

Idk I really like Sara Lance's voice for some reason? Do you know what kind of accent that is (area around usa?).She does have a great voice, among other things! IDK where that accent is from. Most TV actors here in America try to ( ... )


matchboximpala October 29 2014, 06:46:45 UTC
I am loving Arrow, except for The Thing That Happened, which was completely needless of them.
I thought so, too, at first. But now with Laurel and the jacket and her revenge issues... it makes sense. Still, I don't think it was done with any grace.

I have all the eps of The Flash downloaded but still haven't watched it. I've heard good things, though.

I have bookmarked a whole lot of posts and am going through them in no particular order so I'm not sure what is going on. Have you recovered?

And what did the CB have to say about Gotham? I couldn't make it past 1 1/2 episodes.


dodger_sister October 31 2014, 00:29:58 UTC
I thought so, too, at first. But now with Laurel and the jacket and her revenge issues... it makes sense. Still, I don't think it was done with any grace.

But at the end of last season, when Sara left, she gave her jacket to Laurel. And I said to The BFF, "Oh look, Sara is gone but Laurel will take up her mantle because she has The Jacket now." They could have just l;eft it like that and still had Laurel decide that she wasn't doing enough for the city, especially once she discovered Oli's secret, and then she could have become Black Canary and they could have left it open for Sara to return later with The League of Assassins! They didn't have to kill her to have the same effect. Is all I'm saying'.

I have all the eps of The Flash downloaded but still haven't watched it. I've heard good things, though.

It is a lighter show than Arrow - Barry has a hell of lot less manpain than Oli, which I find refreshing. It's still getting its feet, but I am liking it. I'm not wow-ed or anything, but it's fun. You def give it a try.

I ( ... )


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