Happy Hobbit Day!

Sep 22, 2014 20:54

It's September 22nd!! It's a double hobbit birthday! Our charming little heroes were born on this day. And as they are from my very first online fandom and such a huge part of my life and who I am today, I make sure to always mark the occasion! (I also started my Tumblr on this day last year, but mostly I did that just so I would never forget ( Read more... )

anniversaries - celebrate!, the nephew, birthdays, lord of the rings took my virginity, hobbit boys are made of love, videos - various, tumblr - why, fandom saved my life, i am a hobbit, frodo of the nine fingers, lj stuffs, bilbo - bravest little hobbit

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Comments 4

shirebound September 23 2014, 01:03:05 UTC
LOL, that video is cute.

such a huge part of my life and who I am today

I hear you. My life would be very different today without hobbits, and our global fandom and friends.


dodger_sister September 24 2014, 00:24:55 UTC
I love the Lego LOTR videos - they are all so funny!

I hear you. My life would be very different today without hobbits, and our global fandom and friends.

It's hard to even wrap my head around - from LJ to writing fic, to marathon viewings and meeting new people and major life turns like meeting The BFF and bringing me closer to my sister - Fandom has literally shaped my life. I am forever grateful for that. <3


lizibabes September 30 2014, 23:16:37 UTC
Catching up on posts, so instead of spamming you I'll comment on the two I read here.

Happy hobbit day! I know you saw my post on Tumblr, it is a day to celebrate, I have a lot of fondness for those little hobbits.
And happy 1 year, that was smart, I didn't do something like that and I have no idea how long I've had my new one.

I'm very sorry to hear about your mom's cat, she sounds like a lovely and loveable kitty who will be greatly missed. Your mom is in my thoughts. You know what a cat lover I am, so I know how sad your mom must be *hugs*


dodger_sister October 8 2014, 00:43:55 UTC
Happy hobbit day! I know you saw my post on Tumblr, it is a day to celebrate, I have a lot of fondness for those little hobbits.

Me too! They fill my heart with joy and happiness! Which sounds cheesy but hobbits make me act cheesy!

And happy 1 year, that was smart, I didn't do something like that and I have no idea how long I've had my new one.

Yeah, I started thinking about getting a Tumblr in like July and decided on it for sure in August and then was like, "Might as well wait for a significant date to remember it by," and so now I share my Tumblr anniversary with Bilbo and Frodo's birthday!

I'm very sorry to hear about your mom's cat, she sounds like a lovely and loveable kitty who will be greatly missed. Your mom is in my thoughts.

Thanks, babe. It was hard to lose her, she was such a sweet girl and I loved her especially more because she was Papa and Zippo's baby and I have both her brothers and they loved her a lot too. <3

edited cuz what, I know how to code things, I just can't see cuz my hair keeps getting my face, ( ... )


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