Come On, Son!

Apr 02, 2014 17:01

It is officially the first week in the new world where there are no more new episodes of Psych. It is a dark, dark day, my friends ( Read more... )

shawn and gus bffl, psych is my summer squee, lassiter is a bamf, stupid things that make me cry, shawn spencer is my baby-daddy, henry is my favorite tv dad, tv show blahblahblahing, sad-face

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Comments 10

rockstarpeach April 3 2014, 02:04:35 UTC
Oh, I love that show!

We don't get it in Canada, so I only just recently even knew it existed when I saw it on Netflix. They only have six (I think) seasons on and I watched them all in like, two weeks. I hope they get more soon!


dodger_sister April 8 2014, 21:12:05 UTC
Psych is like junkie crack, isn't it? You just consume mass quantities of it and then you want more! There are 8 seasons total, so if you've seen 6, you are almost all the way there. We have Netflix as well and when we need something to lighten our mood or to put on during a rainy day, we just randomly select an episode of Psych. That or Scrubs, those are our go-to cheer-up shows!


vikingprincess April 3 2014, 02:10:16 UTC
If I ever go back and marathon watch Psych, I will tell you ahead of time, so that you can re-experience all of the love. *hugs*


dodger_sister April 8 2014, 21:14:04 UTC
If I ever go back and marathon watch Psych, I will tell you ahead of time, so that you can re-experience all of the love. *hugs*

a) You should do that! Everyone should enjoy Psych!

b) Re-experience? That lives under the assumption that I don't rewatch all of the episodes all of the time as it is! lol It reruns on TV a lot and I can't make myself turn the channel when I come across it! It's a problem. ;)


vikingprincess April 9 2014, 00:01:58 UTC
ROFL, okay, good to know! If I do it, I'll just tell what episode I watched or something, and you'll totally know it well enough to jump right on into the discussion.


lizibabes April 4 2014, 23:31:46 UTC
I haven't seen the end yet, but I know I'm going to be so sad about it. I'm going to miss that show and it's epic Bromance
yeah I'm going to miss it. I don't know if they are going to air the goodbyes here or not, if they don't I'll find them online some how.

And yay for a lord of the rings video....someone has a LOTR tattoo now.

Oh and you might find this funny, my brothers girlfriend was trying to explain about the spoons system and got confused and was calling it sticks, I was the only one who knew what she was talking about!


dodger_sister April 8 2014, 21:19:00 UTC
I haven't seen the end yet, but I know I'm going to be so sad about it. I'm going to miss that show and it's epic Bromance

It's so sad that it's over, but I will say this - everyone gets a wonderful end in the final episode! It'll cheer your heart up, even though we have to say goodbye. I'll miss them forever!

yeah I'm going to miss it. I don't know if they are going to air the goodbyes here or not, if they don't I'll find them online some how.

It was the week before the finale, they did a marathon of like eight episodes and ran the thank you videos during that. So if they run a marathon, then you'll probably get them. Otherwise you'll have to look online, I guess. If you can only find one, find Kirsten Nelson's (Chief Vick's). Or Maggie Lawson's - theirs were the best.

And yay for a lord of the rings video....someone has a LOTR tattoo now.

I saw your tat on your Tumblr! It looks so cool! You need a photo set of all your tattoos!

Oh and you might find this funny, my brothers girlfriend was trying to explain about the ( ... )


lizibabes April 9 2014, 21:21:42 UTC
From what I've seen its and ending that has made fan's happy, not angry, so I'm not worried at least. I used to watch how I met your mother and people are so angry over that last ep, like it blew for real.

Thanks! It'll be a big photo set! I'm now up to thirteen now. The other one I posted to Tumblr hurt more than I expected, even though it's on my ankle, but I had stuff on my ankle bone before, so I think my skins just got more sensitive or something.

Spork theory would be awesome and you can use a spork for more things, so it makes sense lol



dodger_sister April 12 2014, 22:27:34 UTC
I used to watch how I met your mother and people are so angry over that last ep, like it blew for real.

I heard what happened with HIMYM and even I feel cheated by that and I never watched the show! Kind of a rip off.

Thanks! It'll be a big photo set! I'm now up to thirteen now.

You have my email now - if you send me photos of all your tats, I can make you a photo set, if you want. Not right away, since I have to finish a couple of other things first, but sometime when I feel in the mood to do some graphics, I could put that together for you to share around tumblr. :)

The other one I posted to Tumblr hurt more than I expected, even though it's on my ankle, but I had stuff on my ankle bone before, so I think my skins just got more sensitive or something.It could have to do with the area of the bone too. The inside of my ankle hurts way more when people touch it than the outside does. Or the back hurts worse than the front - like that. I could never get one on my ankle because they'd have to hold my leg and my lower legs hurt ( ... )


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