Season Seven Of Supernatural As Told By Dodger_Sister.

Aug 20, 2013 15:47

So, my girl, lizibabes, has not seen Seasons 7 or 8 of Supernatural yet. But she has decided to just skip S7 and go right for 8, so she can catch up in time to watch 9. Cool. Except she asked what she needs to know happens in S7 before she sets out on this quest. And I drew a complete blank on what the hell even went on in S7. So I read the episode ( Read more... )

ghosts say boo, dean/cas epic heavenly love, dean winchester - i'd tap that, sam winchester is a sexy beast, friends 4evah, end of the world! everybody pile on!, vampires suck, spn love, wee!sammy, tv show blahblahblahing, spn episode talk, castiel - angel of rock, bobby singer must never die!, eeeevilll, giant monsters

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Comments 16

lizibabes August 20 2013, 20:00:00 UTC
This is awesome!! A lot of names to remember and I've met Kevin and Benny so far.

Bobby being dead sucks, I liked him, I can't imagine ghost bobby. I will watch those at some point. And period clothing Dean sounds like something that must be seen.

Thank you for doing this for me, it's a big help <333


shell_77 August 20 2013, 20:26:21 UTC
Really, honestly in order to get the whole thing down pat don't skip anything. To be truthful, I hated season 7 but I watched it all anyway cause it REALLY sets major things up for season 8.

There are serious relationship stuff you DON'T wanna miss! Man... just watch seasons 7 and 8. NO matter how great someone summarizes stuff for you, it can't do it justice at all. Nothing will suffice except for watching it all yourself.


lizibabes August 22 2013, 17:15:52 UTC
I do plan to watch it all, even after hearing bad things about season 7, but for now I just want to catch up. I have 8 recorded/recording, if I can find season 7 somewhere I might wait to watch 8.


dodger_sister August 21 2013, 23:14:11 UTC
This is awesome!! A lot of names to remember and I've met Kevin and Benny so far.

Kevin was the most important character they introduced in S7 and you get the most of his character stuff in S8 anyway, but hopefully the other names will help you when they start talking about someone as if they know them and you are just like, "Wait, should I know them too? Did I miss something?" This way you can just look at this list and be like, "Nope, I shouldn't know them, I didn't miss anything, they're from S7."

Bobby being dead sucks,

I loved Bobby so much and tbh, I almost gave up the show then. I always said I would quit it if they killed Bobby because he is such a great character and the boys need one person in their life that doesn't die for Christ's sake! But my sister talked me out of quitting (mostly because she didn't want to watch by herself!) and I am glad I stuck with it because S8 started to step it all back up again - but yeah, Bobby being dead SUCKS.

And period clothing Dean sounds like something that must be seen.Oh baby ( ... )


shell_77 August 20 2013, 20:15:05 UTC
Sam didn't kill his teenie-bopper girlfriend's mom; his teenie-bopper girl friend did cause her mom was gonna kill Sam. ;o)


shell_77 August 20 2013, 20:16:41 UTC
Amy only killed 'bad' people to feed her ailing son.


shell_77 August 20 2013, 20:20:55 UTC
Cas 's alias while he had amnesia was Emmanuel (he walked buck naked outta that water/lake area and Daphne (Emmanuel's wife) found hium wandering around and being the good Christian she is took him in and married him.

Cas can't hea Sam of the crazy but he takes Sam' craziness into himself which is why he is now in a mental ward with Meg as his nurse.


vikingprincess August 21 2013, 01:42:08 UTC
Just one thing wrong. It's not Amy. It's totes Kaylee. :D


dodger_sister August 21 2013, 23:17:03 UTC
Just one thing wrong. It's not Amy. It's totes Kaylee. :D

LOL You have NO idea how hard it was to type 'Amy'! I had to look it up, first of all, because my brain just kept supplying "Kaylee" and I couldn't remember her stupid name and even then, it was hard to not just call her 'Kaylee'. It's her name, dammit!


vikingprincess August 22 2013, 02:11:05 UTC
I hated that they killed that character off. Honestly, if Sam were as much of a bitch as Dean keeps accusing him of being, Benny wouldn't have lasted two episodes... because Sam would have staked him.


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