I Felt Like I Was In The Cold Open Of Some Crime Drama.

Aug 14, 2013 19:51

I'm finally calmed down enough to tell you about my Saturday - and here I'll be making up for not doing a proper post for a week by word-vomiting all over you.

Rest assured, this doesn't end with the Criminal Minds team at my door. )

burn the world, worrying walrus, without a criminal bones: svu, family circus, real life, emotional waxing, tivo and i will be in my bunk, asshats, sister oh sister

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Comments 17

shirebound August 15 2013, 00:05:38 UTC
Wow, that was a very strange -- and stressful -- situation. I'm really glad you shared this, because I also want to remind my mom not to talk about private things with strangers.

I hope this works out for you. Please read every line of the contract, so you don't have any surprises.

*hugs tight*


dodger_sister August 15 2013, 23:29:03 UTC
I'm really glad you shared this, because I also want to remind my mom not to talk about private things with strangers.

I talked with my mom again today and she was like, "Well, I didn't let them in my house," and I said, "No, but you also didn't verify that they were a legitimate company before you told them about your disabled daughter who is home alone everyday, Mom," and she got real quiet for a second and then said, "Oh, yeah, I guess I didn't." You should definitely talk to your mom about it - there are all kinds of bizarre cons people will pull on the elderly and unexpecting. (scroll down my comments and read denig37's comment about her grandma to see a weird one).

Please read every line of the contract, so you don't have any surprises.They were at least upfront about how we had to sign for two years straight out, instead of trying to stick us with it. My sister wanted to know what would happen if it proved to difficult for me to use while I was trying to get in and out of the house and they straight up said, "You'll be locked in ( ... )


vikingprincess August 15 2013, 00:49:42 UTC
I also would have freaked the fuck out - then again, I would have been the one to hear the door and go to it, and I would have told them to go away without even opening it, as that is our MO when we don't know who the duck is out there. My husband will not open the door, either. So, we would not have had strangers acting like friends trying to sell us shit!

Whew, I could feel the stress through your post. End result, yes, it's good to have the system. But just the same, DAMN.

I'm sure that Sister is better at giving you what you need when you need it than just about anyone else, though.


dodger_sister August 16 2013, 00:20:05 UTC
I would have told them to go away without even opening it, as that is our MO when we don't know who the duck is out there.

Yeah, I never answer the door when I am home alone, so I wouldn't have opened the door either. It's the best way to avoid salesmen, con-men and serial killers! And if I had been awake, I would have protested my sister letting them in, if with nothing else, at least with a insistence that they give us the literature, let us talk about it and come back later.

Whew, I could feel the stress through your post.

I knew this would be a revealing post about my anxiety, but it was really theraputic to type up, so I am glad I did it. My anxiety doesn't get like this very often, but it was just too many things on top of each other and that guy not giving me space to breathe or backing off, that made it get so bad. I normally have techniques to settle before it gets there. Idk what his problem was - I wasn't giving out a single inviting, friendly vibe - but he just couldn't take a hint.

End result, yes, it's good to ( ... )


vikingprincess August 16 2013, 00:45:11 UTC
Yes, yup, a thousand times over! (Orgies? Wow... I feel so old and married now....)

But see, I love the silly!



caera1996 August 15 2013, 01:23:26 UTC
The security system is a good thing to have. Good for you two for doing it.


dodger_sister August 15 2013, 23:54:14 UTC
The security system is a good thing to have. Good for you two for doing it.

It really is! That whole day was anxiety causing, but now that it's done and I don't have to deal with those two creepy dudes anymore, I am glad we got it. Hopefully, if nothing else, it will ease our worries about each other when one of us is away.


dugindeep August 15 2013, 01:47:49 UTC
Door to door sales has always always always weirded me out. You never know who you are inviting into your home, and for what reason so I do not blame you!

I am glad your sister understood to leave you be in the interim and that the whole situation os handles!


dodger_sister August 15 2013, 23:52:57 UTC
Door to door sales has always always always weirded me out. You never know who you are inviting into your home, and for what reason so I do not blame you!

My routine is just not to open the door at all when I am home alone. If you are a friend/family member, you had better have learned by now to call me before you ring the doorbell, or I ain't letting you in! Because even the simplest of things that a door-to-door salesman can ask might be a con. If you won't click on a link a stranger sends you on your computer, why would you let that stranger into your home?!

I am glad your sister understood to leave you be in the interim and that the whole situation os handles!

She did very well! She's had a lot of practice - my issues are way less than my dad's or my brother's, so she's had some practice. We've kind of learned together what works and most importantly, she knows if I say 'this is what I need', that is what she should do! :)


matchboximpala August 15 2013, 05:29:44 UTC
creepy salesmen are creepy ( ... )


dodger_sister August 16 2013, 00:36:23 UTC
creepy salesmen are creepy.

He was just so bubbly and happy - it was giving me the kind of creepy vibe you get off clowns!

I think I would have been bothered by the surprise visit of the salesman and the spur of the moment decision to get an alarm system.

I am feeling reassured by so many comments on this post from people who don't think I am insane for freaking out about this shit. I thought I was over-reacting, but then again, waking up to find strangers in your house, even if your sister invited them in, is alarming!

For some inexplicable reason I offered to let a friend of a friend stay in my spare room while he was visiting from out of town. I have never met him, but he is a good friend of my friend's, so I figured it was okay.I feel like saying 'that is very brave of you' except it is so frustrating that we can't just do a nice thing for someone who needs it without fearing that we are risking our own safety. It IS a risk, but isn't getting a roommate from the personal ads, or going on a first date, or getting into a cab ( ... )


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