Their Shadows Searching In The Night.

Jul 14, 2013 16:39

I was going to talk about TV today - and maybe I'll do that later, but right now I'm feeling kind of sad about various news. The last thing the internet told me before I went to sleep last night was that George Zimmerman was found not-guilty on all charges and the first thing the internet told me when I woke up this morning was that Cory Monteith ( Read more... )

glee is love!, in memorial, family circus, blame canada, emotional waxing, photos - glee people, politickin, sad-face

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Comments 12

ceitfianna July 14 2013, 21:24:09 UTC
*hugs you* I hate the news and that's why I went to see Pacific Rim this afternoon, because sometimes you need an action movie that does what it says on the tin.


dodger_sister July 15 2013, 22:45:09 UTC
hate the news and that's why I went to see Pacific Rim this afternoon, because sometimes you need an action movie that does what it says on the tin.

I instead spent the evening on Tumblr's 'trayvon martin' and 'cory monteith' tags, which was probably not the best thing to do. I should have gone to the movies, but I couldn't bear to leave the house with the humidity the way it was yesterday (and today). My sister and I both got sick just from the air pressure yesterday - (she at least had the excuse that she did a bunch of errands and stuff for my parents and got some heat sickness from it all).

We are going to see PR on Friday though, so I am planning to see it now for sure! How was it?


ceitfianna July 15 2013, 22:47:20 UTC
Yeah, the humidity's been awful but there was a storm today, hopefully that will help.

I really liked it and already have two AUs going for it and more in my head. Good characters, great worldbuilding and lots of space for more stuff. Though my Narnia fic is being slow, I need to poke it and make it do what I want.

My Tumblr was tough yesterday and I only dipped into some of the harder things.


jojothecr July 14 2013, 22:25:29 UTC
He checked into rehab in March, right? So if it really were drugs then... damn it, boy. Where are all the friends when you/he need(ed) them?

I haven't seen a single episode of Glee, so not my style, and I don't even remember him from SPN, so I didn't really know him, but I'm still sad about it.


dodger_sister July 16 2013, 00:57:40 UTC
He checked into rehab in March, right? So if it really were drugs then... damn it, boy.

Yeah, and he just got out like a month or so ago. I think this is one of the things that makes it so hard for me to handle, because here was this guy who was working really hard towards staying clean and he couldn't do it and it is a scary thought, because one too many pills/whatever or the wrong combination and it is all over.

Of course, it still hasn't been confirmed as a drug-related death and there is a part of me that hopes it isn't, but then I wonder if maybe some other cause might even be worse for his family.

Where are all the friends when you/he need(ed) them?

You have to reach out. You have to ask for help. It makes me wonder if he had a sponsor to turn too. (I often wish I had one just because it is so hard to lay all those emotions on your loved ones all the time).

I haven't seen a single episode of Glee, so not my style, and I don't even remember him from SPN, so I didn't really know him, but I'm still sad about it.I've seen a ( ... )


jojothecr July 16 2013, 23:02:28 UTC
So I just read that it was alcohol and heroin... Well, f* me.
And the hateful comments all over the place... Honestly, how can people be so mean? I didn't really care about him when he was alive so I won't start now, but there's respect and then there's being just plain idiotic.

I just meant that, you know, they were with him for the whole night (or at least that's what I got from the earlier news), couldn't they have stayed a bit longer?

There's only one tiny positive thing about this; seeing the members from all the 'competitive fandoms' showing support and giving strength. I find that really sweet. Though, of course, nothing can make it better.


dodger_sister July 17 2013, 23:21:28 UTC
And the hateful comments all over the place... Honestly, how can people be so mean? I didn't really care about him when he was alive so I won't start now, but there's respect and then there's being just plain idiotic.

I hadn't seen any hateful comments until last night when I started seeing a lot of "Oh but he was rich so he could go to a nice rehab place that poor drug addicts don't have access too, so I don't feel bad that he died because he was too stupid to stay clean." And I was just baffled by all of that, because like one commenter finally spoke up and said, "Drugs don't discriminate." They really don't.

There's only one tiny positive thing about this; seeing the members from all the 'competitive fandoms' showing support and giving strength. I find that really sweet.

Actually I do too. Yes, it's always going to be a tragedy but it is nice to see all the fandoms pulling together in this time of crisis. We can be divided by fandom, but at heart, we are all fans.


vikingprincess July 14 2013, 23:55:01 UTC
In addition to these upsetting stories, women in Texas lost big this week, too.

Watch this with sound and feel (a little teensy bit) better:


dodger_sister July 16 2013, 01:03:34 UTC
In addition to these upsetting stories, women in Texas lost big this week, too.

Wait, what happened in Texas this week?

When I first read this, I thought you meant the woman who got 20 years for firing a warning shot at her abusive husband, but that was in FL. And then I thought about the mother who lost custody of her 6 year old daughter to the kid's father, who is a convicted pedophile (convicted for molesting a six year old girl no less), but that was in OK. And then I thought about how Wisconsin quietly and secretly put into effect that 'invasive ultrasound for abortions' bullshit without anyone realizing they were doing it.

So yeah, it's been a bad week for justice.

Watch this with sound and feel (a little teensy bit) better:

That was AWESOME! I've seen it before but not with the super happy sweet song! Oh yes, that did make me feel better!


vikingprincess July 16 2013, 01:48:07 UTC
Yexas has passed legislation which will require abortion clinics to have the same level of services as a surgical hospital. Of approximately 45-50 clinics, including Planned Parenthood, only 5 currently qualify. Most will not be able to afford the changes and will have to close down. Thus, many women in the state will no longer be able to receive counseling, make a trip to a clinic in under an entire day (or even two; or not at all if public transportation at reasonable cost doesn't go there). It's a workaround that has many effects similar to making abortion illegal....

So that's just one more awful thing to add to the list (although the lady in FL also left, got a gun, returned, and fired it in the direction of her husband AND HER SON).


dodger_sister July 16 2013, 01:52:44 UTC
Oh crap. I knew Texas was trying for that loophole but shit, I didn't know they had done it. I know there have been way worse times to be a women in this country but damn, this time is starting to get kind of scary to me.

(although the lady in FL also left, got a gun, returned, and fired it in the direction of her husband AND HER SON).

I didn't know her kid was there but even so, nobody was killed or even injured, right? So how does she get 20 years? I mean, on what charges could she have gotten 20 years?

It's too late at night, I can't code anything properly


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