Happy Making Things!

Jul 03, 2013 15:10

Popping in real quick to say a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to denig37!! I hope it is a very good day, babe! You deserve it!

For you and your love of art, check out this amazing artist, known as The Chalk Man. My dad turned me on to this guy and just...holyfuckinghell. That shit is legit drawn on the sidewalk!

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music blahblahblahing, birthdays, photos - various, friends 4evah, blame canada, videos - various, art blahblahblahing, real life, spiderman is my comic book boyfriend, youtube is an alien-virus, fourth of july - explosions in the sky

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Comments 24

dugindeep July 3 2013, 19:24:35 UTC
GAH that video is the best thing ever. I watched it like a dozen times on Facebook when I first saw it.

Well, not a dozen, but ya know ...


dodger_sister July 6 2013, 18:28:09 UTC
GAH that video is the best thing ever.

Isn't it? After I watched it, youtube recced a bunch of other 'kids singing' videos but none of them were anywhere near as adorable and talented as this kid!

Ion, I saw that your job is stupid and wants to take all the fun away from you, so I rage-face on your behalf and also over the fact that you can't get paid to stay home and write fanfic! But I also know you are on a camping vacation this weekend, so at least some things are awesome right now!

Finally, if the train home from work is still bothering you, try this. I swear by mine, even if I feel stupid carrying a little fan around with me everywhere.

Er, so yeah, see I've been reading my Flist, even if I haven't had time to comment this week. But The Canadians have all gone home, so here I am!


dugindeep July 8 2013, 21:27:11 UTC
And it's such a great song! :D

Yes, it's being all stupid again and I can't stand it anymore! I'm glad I finally got out of going to Detroit (and St. Paul the week after muwahahahah!) so I can stay home and write ... or something.

Camping was fabulous, except I keep finding more and more mosquito bites. It itches just to walk because of how my shoes hit them all!!!

LOL to that handheld fan!


vikingprincess July 3 2013, 19:48:51 UTC
Thank you for sharing the chalk drawing site - those are amazing!

Also, Happy Fourth to you and yours. :)

P.S. The fanfic that could come out of Spidey needing a diapey change is HORRIFYING. But I can't un-imagine it now. You are evil. And NO, I will NOT add this to my idea files!


dodger_sister July 6 2013, 18:31:54 UTC
Thank you for sharing the chalk drawing site - those are amazing!

My brain doesn't even know how to comprehend those pieces of art!

Also, Happy Fourth to you and yours. :)

Thanks! Hope yours was also awesome!

P.S. The fanfic that could come out of Spidey needing a diapey change is HORRIFYING. But I can't un-imagine it now. You are evil.

I'm evil? You're the one that brought it up. You're a little perv! ;) My brain didn't even go there and I spend a lot of time on the spn-kink meme where 'adult-babies' is oddly a thing. You cannot blame this one on me, woman!


vikingprincess July 6 2013, 21:50:44 UTC
TECHNICALLY the boy brought it up.

Oh man. Figures that SOMEone in the SpN community would decide that they liked baby kink - for me, that edges much too close to scat play or golden showers and it's just a GREAT BIG NO.


dodger_sister July 7 2013, 01:00:34 UTC
TECHNICALLY the boy brought it up.

Do not blame your pervy-ness on my nephew! lol

Oh man. Figures that SOMEone in the SpN community would decide that they liked baby kink - for me, that edges much too close to scat play or golden showers and it's just a GREAT BIG NO.

This is the fandom that has a thing for otters, so yeah, SPN fandom went there. I am big on YKNMK and all that, but I do, myself, tend to stay away from the diaper-fic because scat does not work for me at all - (too many years changing disgusting diapers to suit me one bit). I tried one adult-infantilism fic but it was just SO not my thing. And now you know...I am willing to try most things once.


ceitfianna July 3 2013, 19:54:08 UTC
Aww, I love that video and that artist. I think I'm going to try and make it down. My time of the month hit right when I got home but I spent most of today sleeping and doing some job things.

So if there's a place for me to crash, I should be there. When do things start?


dodger_sister July 3 2013, 20:00:58 UTC
Wow, lucky I just decided to check my LJ real quick before I leave for The Nephew's baseball game tonight. I haven't really been doing my LJing this week because of company. But yes, you can crash! We can sleep 13 in this house plus two babies, so there is room. You may end up on a couch but if that's fine, then crash away! I'd invite you to stay the weekend but I have to sleep. I am so excited for Saturday, when the company will be gone (even though it has been a really good visit) there will be sleeping and more sleeping followed by sleeping - it will be awesome. Cookout starts at 2pm runs until whenever!


ceitfianna July 3 2013, 20:02:38 UTC
Well, I might end up having company myself this weekend or possibly just use it to crash myself. The conference was wonderful but a lot. I can do a couch no problem.


dodger_sister July 6 2013, 18:35:27 UTC
Got your message - sorry you didn't make it down but I know how bad the first two days of a period can be, especially after such a long week. We'll definitely have to connect sometime soon though!

And I am glad to hear the conference went so well, even it was slightly overwhelming at times. Plus, yay, you had a job interview! (I've been keeping up with reading LJ posts, just not commenting).

Hope you get some nice relaxing rest this week!


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dodger_sister July 6 2013, 18:38:56 UTC
That video is the best thing I've seen all day. Thank you, darling.

You're very welcome! I actually thought of you the first time I saw it even.

Hope you get settled soon - just not too settled as I am sure this is just a temporary stop for you. I know it's been a rough few weeks, but honestly, the way you talk about yearning to go to the Northwest makes me think you'll find a way to get there. /hugs/


shirebound July 3 2013, 22:10:45 UTC
What an INCREDIBLE artist!


dodger_sister July 6 2013, 18:40:51 UTC
What an INCREDIBLE artist!

He really blew me away! My dad usually sends me forwarded blond jokes and the like, so I almost didn't open this email he sent titled 'The Chalk Man Is Back' but I am so glad I did. It was just too amazing not to share!


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