Then, Out Of The Box Came Thing Two And Thing One!

Jun 13, 2013 21:15

The Kids at therapy are so fucking adorable. I just want to give them cookies and scruff up their hair. (I called them The Kids because they are both 19 and have the same first name i.e. ‘Kid’. It's kind of like they are Thing 1 and 2. OMG, I could call them Thing 1 and Thing 2!!)

Some Things under the cut. )

music blahblahblahing, family circus, justified - with your hat on, tv show blahblahblahing, that's why they call it a workout, real life, emotional waxing, drummers get all the hot ladies, books ah books, steve carlson is my rockstar boyfriend, the walking dead are coming!

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Comments 16

matchboximpala June 14 2013, 03:14:14 UTC
I am sure they are being sincere.


dodger_sister June 16 2013, 19:47:08 UTC
I am sure they are being sincere

Well, I am sure Thing 2 was being sincere because that kid doesn't have an insincere bone in his body! I can never tell though, like, with the other people if it was one of those things where you are wearing a hideous outfit and the person is like "Oh my, your outfit! Oh," /shrugs/ I'm just going to take them at face value and appreciate the compliments, but even if they didn't mean it, I have zero shame on the subject, so it's cool. :)

How've you been? I feel like we haven't talked in forever!


matchboximpala June 18 2013, 06:11:14 UTC
LJ is weird. Sometimes I think I have a million things to say and then when I sit down to write them I am paralyzed by indecision. Is it TMI? (Like the fact that my last makeout session was with a stripper, but I was so wasted I can't remember which one?) Or just too boring? (Like the fact that I spent my entire day today looking at spreadsheets and was so bored that I almost fell asleep at work.)

[That stripper comment is going to come back to haunt me, I just know it.]

Here is something of interest. I am reading the book Redshirts and it is beyond AWESOME. How can you not love a book that includes this in its dedication:
"To Wil Wheaton, whom I heart with all the hearty heartness a heart can heart"

Read it!


dodger_sister June 24 2013, 00:16:00 UTC
Sometimes I think I have a million things to say and then when I sit down to write them I am paralyzed by indecision.

No, I get that. I have a big story to share and then I start typing and just some other random bullshit comes out and a week later I am like, "Oh, I should have shared that other story instead".

(Like the fact that my last makeout session was with a stripper, but I was so wasted I can't remember which one?)

DO tell. /chinhands/

(Like the fact that I spent my entire day today looking at spreadsheets and was so bored that I almost fell asleep at work.)

Ugh, no, that sounds sucky. But you know, sometimes I see people post things like that on their LJs and they get like 30 comments from people who are like, "Omg, I looked at spreadsheets today too and it was awful! Solidarity!" You never know.

[That stripper comment is going to come back to haunt me, I just know it.]

Male or female stripper? Were you at the club? In the back room? Was it one of those strip clubs? Details, woman!

"To Wil Wheaton, whom I ( ... )


dugindeep June 14 2013, 04:15:34 UTC
I may or may not be imagining your Things as J2 ;)


dodger_sister June 16 2013, 19:54:32 UTC
I may or may not be imagining your Things as J2

ahahahaha Wow, I am so surprised by this revelation. ;)

Actually, Thing 2 could pass for a 'Jensen' except that actual Jensen looks like, you know... Jensen. But he is about 6'1 or 6'2, has the same build as Jensen did at about his Dawson Creek days (minus the bowlegs) and has short blond hair. Not a bad call on that.

Thing 1 looks nothing like Jared, sadly. Maybe kind of like a slightly taller Misha, with the same hair and skin tone and body shape, except more like 6'1 in height. He does, however, act like Jared. One day he was singing along to Like A Virgin and doing this little twirly dance around the clinic while he was carrying heat packs and another day he told me this story about taking his picture with a big statue where he made it look like he was, uh, blowing the statue and how he posted it all over his facebook and the girls at work were ribbing him about it. So there is that.


denig37 June 14 2013, 16:09:55 UTC
Aww, someone's got a crush on you *sing-songs*


dodger_sister June 16 2013, 19:58:37 UTC
Aww, someone's got a crush on you *sing-songs

lol You mean Thing 2? Yeah, I thought maybe on that. It's hard to tell with that guy though because he is just that nice and sweet about everything. But I thought he might. (I can never tell, which certainly doesn't help me get dates!) At any rate, I don't think Thing 2 is even remotely aware that I am old enough to be his mom. Which I am. jjfc, I am old enough to have a 19 year old kid - fml).


dodger_sister June 16 2013, 23:31:55 UTC
LOL Okay, valid! I should point out that I would technically be fine with the age difference because I am not looking to get married and have kids, so being with someone who is at a place in their life where they don't want that yet either, could be fun. However, Thing 2 in no way strikes me as a guy to date someone in their 30s just for casual funtimes. Besides that my attraction to him seems to be on the level of baking him cookies and scratching his head (which is what makes me feel older than anything else, is how young he seems to me).


rhymephile June 14 2013, 22:08:36 UTC
Popping in to say that you absolutely MUST go watch "In The Flesh", that zombie 3-episode series that ran on BBC America recently and we were talking about it in that TV post? I watched all of it on OnDemand today and GO WATCH NOW.


dodger_sister June 16 2013, 20:02:37 UTC
Popping in to say that you absolutely MUST go watch "In The Flesh",

We Tivoed it! I have all the episodes! We have decided to wait until we are finished with Mad Men, I think. Which we should be done with in about a week and a half, but since that will put us at Canadian Brother's visit time, it'll probably be July before we watch In The Flesh. We almost started it last week but then the phone rang and we were thwarted and ran out of time. But I hear amazing things about it. The Sister's BFF sang its praises this weekend as well - telling us the main character is a reanimated suicidal gay teen recovering-zombie, which...sounds awesome.


rhymephile June 16 2013, 20:34:17 UTC
They don't *actually* say it straight out that he's gay. You're meant to assume he is, but you could go either way if you really wanted to. You should make time to watch. It's only 3 episodes and they go pretty fast!


fragrantwoods June 16 2013, 00:04:23 UTC
That is the cutest thing ever! I'm sure they do enjoy your singing :-) You have the best therapy-peeps ever!


dodger_sister June 16 2013, 20:06:44 UTC
That is the cutest thing ever! I'm sure they do enjoy your singing :-) You have the best therapy-peeps ever

The Things are really adorable and it's kind of fun to watch them together when they are on shift at the same time. I think they must enjoy my singing too - I've just spent too much time around people who like to mock (it's a family trait). At any rate, I'm gonna do it anyways!


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