I saw this meme the other day at
princesslanie’s LJ and I thought I’d give it a quick go. For some reason there were only 49 questions and despite liking to end on an uneven number, I added a #50, for the sake of closure.
50 simple and random questions! )
Comments 2
Divorced. Thank god.
Yep. I hear ya.
Pumpkin pie
I've never tried that. Somehow I can't imagine it actually tastes good.
Yes! Do it! It was a fun silly meme and I really enjoyed it.
Man, I can't imagine if my parents were still together. Like, it would mean combined visits, so it would cut down on time for me, but SO many other headaches would come with them as a package. Plus, my teen years were so much better after the divorce and we moved and stuff.
lol I think pumpkin pie is one of those things that people either LOVE or think is disgusting. It has to be thoroughly cooked or it is too mushy, but if done right, it is D-licious! My favorite part of Thanksgiving, the pumpkin pie.
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