Fic: Paper Tigers - PG, Dean/Cas, Altered-Reality, Angst, Schmoop

Apr 13, 2013 22:39

princesslanie, I wrote a little something for your birthday! I know it's been a long year and I felt like you deserved something special for the day. It's not porn, but it is birthday-themed fic. I hope you enjoy - Happy Birthday! Here's a little Cas-turned-human, angsty schmoop (yes, that's a thing!) birthday fic. -- It’s been one year to the day since ( Read more... )

character - dean winchester, word count - 1001 to 3000, birthdays, fic - altered reality, character - castiel the angel, friends 4evah, fic - angst, fic - angel-turned-human, pair - dean/castiel, rating - pg, written - 2013, fiction - mine, fic - fluff/schmoop, fic - birthday, fandom - supernatural

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Comments 12

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dodger_sister April 16 2013, 01:45:51 UTC
THANK YOU!! I am so thrilled you liked it! I saw your rec (thank you for that!) and you saying how you could 'relate' to this story and that just made my day like a 100x over.

All the <3s!


cyberseme April 14 2013, 21:00:36 UTC
Very cute and touching. I can't believe Cas talked about something sucking. I would love a bike lessons sequel.


dodger_sister April 16 2013, 01:48:20 UTC
I can't believe Cas talked about something sucking. I would love a bike lessons sequel.

lol He's picked up a few things. I hadn't really thought about a sequel, but now that you've put the idea in my head.../adds to The List/ :) Thank you so much for the comment!


shenova April 14 2013, 22:26:19 UTC
Birthday ice cream not bad at all. Sweet moment with the guys holding hands. Loved it.


dodger_sister April 16 2013, 01:49:31 UTC
Sweet moment with the guys holding hands

Awwww, thanks so much! I am so glad you enjoyed it!


ranua April 15 2013, 01:02:11 UTC
*big sigh* angsty schmoop indeed. I love your pouty, depressed Cas. I can totally hear him, frustrated for words to describe the feeling and finally settling on 'sucks'.


dodger_sister April 16 2013, 01:51:18 UTC
Thanks, babe!

angsty schmoop indeed.

Idk how I never realized that could be, like, a thing!

I love your pouty, depressed Cas. I can totally hear him, frustrated for words to describe the feeling and finally settling on 'sucks'.

LOL Thank you! Pouty depressed Cas was oddly fun to write - I'll have to remember that in the future. :)


septembers_coda April 15 2013, 04:43:51 UTC
Ahhh... was feeling sad and decided to try to find a nice fic before bed... this gave me just what I needed. Can go off to sleep happy now. <3


dodger_sister April 16 2013, 01:54:03 UTC
Ahhh... was feeling sad and decided to try to find a nice fic before bed... this gave me just what I needed. Can go off to sleep happy now.

I am sorry to hear you were feeling a little sad but I am so glad I could send you off to bed happy! Having the ability to lift someone's mood even a little is probably the best form of compliment there is. Thank you so much for the comment!!


septembers_coda April 16 2013, 22:42:15 UTC
Yes, when writing gives us the power to make someone *feel*, it's a wonderful rush! My pleasure, and I will keep reading! Thanks for writing it, and all the best to you! <3


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