Comes With A Warning.

Mar 11, 2013 22:49

I’m just going to rant for a minute.

TV, stop showing me previews for World War Z! Ugh. Because I’m always like, ‘Oh my, what is this?!” all excited and then I realize, “Oh right, it’s Hollywood crapping all over the greatest zombie book ever written!” /screams at the sky/

Under the cut, in case you don't want my opinion to harsh your buzz. )

burn the world, drugs are bad mkay, movie blahblahblahing, end of the world! everybody pile on!, the office is full of cubicles, family circus, brainzzzz, biology can bite my ass, real life, books ah books

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Comments 25

matchboximpala March 12 2013, 05:28:15 UTC
I haven't seen the preview yet, but if that is what Hollywood has done to that marvelous book, then I completely agree with every word you wrote!!!! Damn.


dodger_sister March 14 2013, 00:18:39 UTC
The preview on TV basically just shows Brad Pitt and his family running from an onslaught of zombies. You have to watch the extended preview to find out that the whole thing is about Brad Pitt saving us all. Here it is.

Which is just stupid. When I heard Brad was cast as the lead, I thought he was going to play the journalist who conducts the interviews, but that is not it at all.

So, now you can be pissed off with me. I wish Max Brooks has tried pitching that book out as a miniseries somewhere instead of selling out to the first person who came knocking. And it's too bad, cuz in general, I would be all over a movie where Brad Pitt saves us from zombies (as an action zombie movie, it looks quite exciting) - but I just can't bring myself to go see it now, just on prinicipale.


matchboximpala March 16 2013, 16:55:27 UTC
Well, I watched it and you are definitely correct, this is not the book. It definitely should have been a miniseries (preferably shot as a documentary), but I likely will watch it. I'm just going to pretend REALLY HARD that it is not called World War z.

Also, I just read in Entertainment Weekly that the documentary, How to Survive a Plague, is going to be turned into a miniseries, which is a little odd since it just came out in 2012. But perhaps it means that someone else can get the rights to the book after the movie has come and gone and they can do something better with it.


dodger_sister March 19 2013, 20:34:50 UTC
I will probably end up watching World War Z at some point too, when it becomes available through Netflix maybe, because I watch pretty much every zombie movie, but I certainly won't give them my money in the theater!!! And I'll probably still be pissy about all of this for a long while, even if I end up liking the movie!

How to Survive a Plague - what is this? Netflix keeps recommending it to me and I have never even heard of it before!

But perhaps it means that someone else can get the rights to the book after the movie has come and gone and they can do something better with it.

I will hold out hope to the bitter end!


jojothecr March 12 2013, 10:44:41 UTC
World War Z
I don't even know what that is. lol. Not a fan of Zombies, I think. I prefer them dead... Ehm, I mean... not walking.

Awesome Time of Month
Welcome to the club. *hugs* I don't really cry at this time, I'm too dosed on painkillers for that. Still can't wait for it to be over. *offers a package of Kleenex*


dodger_sister March 14 2013, 00:23:53 UTC
Huh, I'm trying to remember if I knew you were not a fan of zombies or not. Now just zombies or all horror movies?

I prefer them dead... Ehm, I mean... not walking.

LOL Not the walking dead, just dead? ;)

Awesome Time of Month sucks and should be outlawed! We have all these politicans in America running around trying to regulate women's bodies and I just wish they would do something useful with their time and find a way to make this bullshit stop every damn month!

I don't really cry at this time, I'm too dosed on painkillers for that.

Lord, I wish. I can't remember if I use to be this easily moved to tears but I don't think I was, back when I had all the drugs in the world to get me through it. Now it's just me, my heating pad and the very ccassional Ibuprofen.


jojothecr March 14 2013, 00:39:54 UTC
I LOVE horrors! Just not the popular ones, you know? So when everyone's watching vampire horrors, I'm not. When there are zombies everywhere, I'm looking elsewhere. I like the original, Romero's movies, or eg. 28 Days Later, otherwise... not much.

Yes! How 'bout that. I'm not really planning to have kids, but I'm starting to change my mind, because everyone tells me that it gets better then.

Ibuprofen is my BFF. Seriously, I wouldn't survive this week without it. And I'm just thankful that I can take these pills, because for example my mom is allergic to practically everything, and can't take them.


dodger_sister March 14 2013, 00:57:34 UTC
I am a big fan of 28 Days Later! Scary as fuck! And anything Romero does. The original Night of The Living Dead basically changed the world of horror movies as we know it. I went thrpugh a 'cult classic' stage of horror films too - the Return of the Living Dead is the best cult zombie film. I recommend Zombieland, if you ever feel in the mood to try more zombies, because it is not only zombies but also humor and some very good emotions throughout. Also, the best vampire movies; Lost Boys & 30 Days of Night.

I'm not really planning to have kids, but I'm starting to change my mind, because everyone tells me that it gets better then.

lol Well that'd be something to tell your kid when she asks, "Mommy, why did you decide to have me?" ;) I actually really want kids a lot, but have chosen not to because of my health issues, so the period kicking in every month is kind of like an extra slap in the face on top of it all, you know.


vikingprincess March 12 2013, 11:45:10 UTC
Totally with you on the WWZ rantyness of ranting. A miniseries would KICK ASS! I wonder if the author sold the rights, retained them, rented them, or what?

Oh, honey. *hugs* We can keep hoping Mom'll figure it out, right? *hugs*


dodger_sister March 14 2013, 00:28:02 UTC
A miniseries would KICK ASS!

RIGHT?! I wish I had a phoneline directly to Hollywood so they could have all my awesome ideas! I've been waiting for that miniseries since I first read the book, so imagine my disappointment over this stupid ass movie. (which actually looks like a fun movie but is NOT World War Z!)

I wonder if the author sold the rights, retained them, rented them, or what?

I wonder too, because if he retained the rights, he could still make the mini-series someday, right? One can only hope.

We can keep hoping Mom'll figure it out, right?

Thanks. /sigh/ I don't hold out much hope on that, for her to either get a clue about my life or to figure out how her computer works. She still uses a word processor for crying out loud!


vikingprincess March 14 2013, 01:00:51 UTC
The mini-series must happen! Each interview could be a 15-30 minute segment, and we could get two to four of them per episode.

Make it happen, Dodge! MAKE IT HAPPEN! :)

Hey, I use a word processing program to get all of my stuff done (not that there's been much lately, but still). And I hand-code my html for LJ, too. Or are you talking about some machine that only does WP and has no internet capability? I'm not sure what you mean by "uses a word processer."


dodger_sister March 14 2013, 01:16:07 UTC
Make it happen, Dodge! MAKE IT HAPPEN! :)

Yeah, I'll get right on that! (though Max Brooks does seem like the kind of guy who would succumb under the pressure of a letter writing campaign).

Hey, I use a word processing program to get all of my stuff done (not that there's been much lately, but still). And I hand-code my html for LJ, too. Or are you talking about some machine that only does WP and has no internet capability?I use a Word Processor program too! I don't have Word Doc. program actually. And I html code all my LJ entries as well! (even with the new format, I still hand-code!) What I meant was, in fact, a machine that only has word processing capabilities. Do you remember, in the early 90s, how there were these machines that were more than typewriters but not quite computers? You type on it and it has a screen like a laptop where you can see what you are typing. And the documents can save to a floppy disc. Also, you can print (the printer is usually built into the machine) but that is all you can do with it (no ( ... )


ceitfianna March 12 2013, 12:49:14 UTC
*hugs* Yeah, this month is off to a weird start. I'm not having time of the month, but I haven't been sleeping enough and ran out of allergy meds, so ugh, just feeling a little out of it.

I hope your Mom can find a good outlet other than you. Many libraries run how to use facebook programs, she might look for one of them.


dodger_sister March 14 2013, 00:31:27 UTC
This is a bad time to run out of allergy meds, what with the weird see-sawing the weather has been doing!

Many libraries run how to use facebook programs, she might look for one of them.

I'll look into ours (and at least she has befriended the local librarian, so that helps!) but I doubt she'd do it anyways. My brother set it up for her a few years ago and showed her how to use it (and I don't have a facebook, but they can't be that hard, right? Don't you just type and click 'post'?) and she still says she can't figure it out. My dad has figured it out for crying out loud and that man didn't know how to work the VCR for three years!


ceitfianna March 14 2013, 00:36:43 UTC
I got some more meds yesterday which should help but I've overslept and been slightly late to school two days in a row. I hate it and work is just being weird.

We had this alumni thing going on and some parts were nice but how few of the alums knew there was a new librarian was sad. It made clear how the administration has really done nothing to think or talk about hey, change going on in the library. Though there were many positive parts such as a great thank you from the organizer and many wonderful moments during the day, it was just odd. Also I keep feeling on the edge of sick, my stomach hurts, my temp's weird and I just don't feel like myself. Weekend soon.

Sorry for the rant, I'm debating writing up an entry but today was good but odd and I feel like so much of it is messed up in my head that I don't know.

It sounds like your mother might not want to learn, she seems pretty resistant to change.


dodger_sister March 14 2013, 01:04:36 UTC
Sorry for the rant, I'm debating writing up an entry but today was good but odd and I feel like so much of it is messed up in my head that I don't know.

Rant away! It sounds like it was just a hectic day with one of those 50/50 good/bad things going on. Sometimes posting about that and sorting it all out in your head is good, but other times just sitting back and letting yourself just unwind naturally is the way to go. This sounds like one of those unwinding days to me.

It sounds like your mother might not want to learn, she seems pretty resistant to change.

Ain't that the truth. She likes to complain about how she is lonely, but she never does anything about it. The number of times I have tried to get her involved in a library book club, online book clubs, or even just a book reviewing community where she could read whatever she liked and then just chat with other readers about various things. Parents, you can't tell them nothin'!


(The comment has been removed)

dodger_sister March 14 2013, 00:43:10 UTC
i saw the commerical yesterday, but sorry to say i'm not into the zombie thing.

I like to be one of those people that is like, "I was into zombies & vampires before they were cool!" (well, I was!) The great thing about the book, which I recommend even to someone not into zombies, is that it is set years after the events of the zombie apocalypse. It is literally just a man trying to get as many accounts from people who survived, to make some sort of record for history. And it has all these great stories of triumph and survival by the common man and in an odd way, it gives you this hope for mankind, that we can withstand anything, that the ordinary man is not as ordinary as we all thought. Idk, maybe you still wouldn't like it since it does have zombie horror in the flashbacks of the interviews. But it's one of my top five books of all time, so I am obvs pissed they messed up the movie so bad.

don't answer your phone everytime, just maybe once a day. imy mom is like that calls all the time, but i try to never call my kids lol. i ( ... )


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