It Is The Music Of A People!

Jan 03, 2013 20:02

Firstly, let me share the saga of my attempts to see Les Miserables. My sister and I made plans with my sis-in-law to go on Christmas Day with her and my brother. But my brother refused because he was boycotting places that make people work on Christmas. He refused even after I said that I was excited to see it with him since we originally saw ( Read more... )

the nephew, music blahblahblahing, happy-face, movie blahblahblahing, family circus, musicals - life with song, real life, politickin, douchebags, sister oh sister

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Comments 27

jojothecr January 4 2013, 01:12:25 UTC
I haven't seen the musical, and I barely remember the old movie, and basically the only song I remember is On My Own, and even that only thanks to Dawson's Creek, but the way you write about it, I think I wanna see it.

Most of all, though, I wanna say, 'WTF is wrong with people?!' I mean, are they really that ignorant and not knowing or just simply stupid and selfish they can't allow you to see a movie? What a sad, sad world.

I'm sorry you had to go through such troubles to see this movie, but at least it was worth it. Imagine you didn't like it after all these obstacles.


dodger_sister January 4 2013, 21:04:33 UTC
and I barely remember the old movie,

It seems to me there was one that came out in maybe the 70s but then there was one in the 90s with Liam Neeson that was a little more true to the book itself.

and basically the only song I remember is On My Own, and even that only thanks to Dawson's Creek,

I remember that! Joey sang it in some talent show (I didn't even know she could sing until right then!) and that is when Dawson realized how she felt but then for some reason she walks away from him at the end of it. (omg, I should not have just admitted how much of that I remember! lol).

but the way you write about it, I think I wanna see it.

Yes, do! The story is amazing and inspiring. The music is a little more opera like than what you would expect from a typical musical, but the vocals are stunning and it is easy to follow what is happening. I just love it a lot! If nothing else, check out this new movie/musical when it is released on DVD.

Most of all, though, I wanna say, 'WTF is wrong with people?!'IKR? Ugh. They were saving ( ... )


jojothecr January 4 2013, 21:25:07 UTC
Yeah, I guess I saw the Liam Neeson version, but it was years ago (in 1998), and I was kinda young so it didn't hit me in any way.

Yeah! And Pacey was doing something crazy there, I don't know what it was now. I loved that show, until about the 4th season when Joey and Pacey came back from their holiday. The plot went to hell then, I think. I honestly hated their 'sex troubles'.

Oh man, I didn't even think of that! I would have been super pissed!
That's the 'positive' thinking of mine, you know. I see something bad behind everything good it seems.


dodger_sister January 4 2013, 21:46:20 UTC
I feel a little shame that I am continuing on with this discussion of Dawson's Creek (I have no icon for DC, so here is my One Tree Hill icon, which seems fitting).

I was really into Joey/Pacey (never actualy cared for Dawson that much) but yeah, it got a little stupid after they came back from their boat trip. I had planned on watching until they graduated high school but then they had the episode where Andi graduated early and they all had that send off party for her and there was this photo taken at the very end of all of them together and they played this lovely song and I thought to myself, "This feels like an ending," and I never watched another episode.

Edited to say - except for Jensen's episodes of Dawson's Creek, which my sister made us all watch one night in a drunken stupor of fangirl silliness!


shirebound January 4 2013, 01:15:08 UTC
You worked hard to see that movie! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

*get-well hugs for your sister*


dodger_sister January 4 2013, 21:13:29 UTC
You worked hard to see that movie!

I have never worked so hard to see a movie in my life and that includes waiting in line for tickets to see The Phantom Menace!

*get-well hugs for your sister*

I passed on your good wishes but not the actual hugs, because I am not touching her while she is all sick and gross! In fact, I have a 6 foot rule going on right now - she has to stay outside my area! :)


ceitfianna January 4 2013, 01:53:27 UTC
Yes, all of this. I adored the movie so much. It all made me happy and feel little again and going oh yay. To see some of my favorite actors being these characters and so well. I need to get the soundtrack.

Also if there weren't many other movies that I want to see, I'd see it again. I'm glad that you were able to see it too, it sounds as if the woman at theater tried but people can be so awful.

I saw it on a matinee on the first of the year and the theater was almost full, I was able to grab a single seat high up and people applauded. I love seeing a movie like this with a packed house.


dodger_sister January 4 2013, 21:24:23 UTC
It all made me happy and feel little again and going oh yay. To see some of my favorite actors being these characters and so well.Yes, that exactly! I am so in love with so many of these characters and to see them brought to life in this unique way was amazing. I too have to get the soundtrack and I'm thinking of maybe also picking up the London stage recording as well. I used to own it on cassette tape and then I have the broadway version on cd, but the London recording was the one my brother and I learned all the words with, so I think I want to pick that up as well. But I def need the movie soundtrack too ( ... )


ceitfianna January 4 2013, 21:32:35 UTC
I never did get to see Wreck-it Ralph, but it sounded great. I was curious about Lincoln and I'm blanking on what other movies I was interested in.

I've just been so tired that this break has been sleeping, shopping and holidays and that's about it. I just realized that my holiday cards just aren't going to happen and that's okay.


dodger_sister January 4 2013, 22:05:54 UTC
I had little interest in Lincoln until a few days ago when I saw an extended trailer and I was blown away and now I want to see it too. But I can wait for DVD for that one, I think.

I just realized that my holiday cards just aren't going to happen and that's okay.

The holidays get overwhelming and now that you work at a school and it is your one break time from work, you should enjoy it! It's one of the reasons I don't even bother with Christmas cards - there's too much going on already, you know.


vikingprincess January 4 2013, 02:42:48 UTC
I'm so glad it lived up to expectations! Still need to go and see it, myself....

(We did go and see The Hobbit last night. I'll probably write something about it later.)


dodger_sister January 4 2013, 21:32:04 UTC
Yes, go see Les Mis! It is amazingly well done. I wasn't sure how it would work on the big screen but it worked very well and was a very unique way of bringing these characters to life. Just don't drink anything before you go because it is like a 3 hour long movie and there is no intermission!

The Hobbit! Took The Nephew over Christmas break and he will not stop talking about how Bilbo saved Thorin, it was his favorite part! (he actually went on for quite awhile about what would have happened if he himself had been there and how the dwarves would have been so surprised when he jumped down out of the tree and pulled out his sword and then chopped off the Azog's head and then they all would have clapped for him - my boy self-inserted with The Hobbit!)

Yes, post about it - I want to know what you thought! Or just go to my post and tell me what you thought! I demand your thoughts!

BTW, I saw you sent me gingrbread man, - Thasnk you, babe! he had juicy tender toes!


vikingprincess January 5 2013, 00:59:18 UTC
I was a believer in Les Mis as a movie once I got to hear/see Jackman sing, and the On Demand making-of snippets were also very, very cool and convincing. I had doubts about Hathaway and Crowe, as you know; I still have doubts about Crowe, tbh, but that's hardly going to stop me from going to see it!

Aw, so cute! Is he going to start writing Hobbit fanfiction now, about the epic racism-overcoming bromance of Thorin and Bilbo? :P

You're welcome for the gingerbread man! I'm working on my Hobbit review right now, but honestly, my brain is resisting anything that resembles thought. I'm sure it resents the idea of returning to work on Monday; I know I do.


dodger_sister January 5 2013, 02:52:41 UTC
You know, I would not be the least bit surprised if the next piece of fic he wrote was Hobbit-based! He's always had a thing about Smaug too, from like age three because he has a toy dragon that we named Smaug. We shall see. He just finished a piece about Pyro & Iceman teaming up to steal diamonds from an evil lizard in Detroit.


lindahoyland January 4 2013, 04:11:40 UTC
What a struggle you had to see it! How can people be so mean?I'm glad you enjoyed it and hope your sister is soon better.


dodger_sister January 4 2013, 21:35:20 UTC
What a struggle you had to see it! How can people be so mean?

I don't know! Here it was Christmas Day and people were not being very in the spirit. In the end we used our free passes, so we at least got to see the movie for free, which was nice.

My sister actually stayed home from work today to rest, which I think was wise. Thank you. :)


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