Wolverines! Wolverines!

Nov 27, 2012 20:17

I think I manage to keep it pretty spoiler-free here, but I’ll go under a cut just in case you don’t want even the tiniest bit about the movie upfront.

Red Dawn, at last, at last! )

witches cackle, bamfs, release the red dawn upon us!, friends 4evah, movie blahblahblahing, guys with guns are hot, j2's big epic gay love, jeffrey dean morgan impregnates us all, dirty old lady, dream in which..., sister oh sister

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Comments 7

matchboximpala November 28 2012, 04:02:47 UTC
Looking forward to Red Dawn, even though I am not (gasp) a JDM fan.

Saw Skyfall on Sunday and LOVED it. Bondiest Bond movie I've seen in a long time.

Thought Stardust was pretty good, though the book was better.


dodger_sister November 29 2012, 00:39:50 UTC
First of all, Red Dawn is really fun and silly but awesome and I know as soon as I own the DVD, I will not hold back from the battle cry. Wolverines!

Second, how are you not a JDM fan? He is so sexy. And he has such a sexy voice. Honestly? He works his way into my head more often than anyone else. TMI, but dude, I can start with anybody else and I always end with JDM.

Okay then, so not JDM, (I am baffled! Baffled, I say!) then who? Who's the guy/girl who always works their way into your subconscious when you aren't even thinking about them?

Saw Skyfall on Sunday and LOVED it. Bondiest Bond movie I've seen in a long time.First of all, I am ashamed to tell you that I have not seen any of the Daniel Craig Bond films. IDK why! I was always a Brosnan-girl (well, I mean, except for Connery, cuz come on, Connery) but I like Daniel, I am sure I would like it. It's just when I think I about watching one of the new ones, I think I would just rather watch Goldeneye for the 100th time (I keep thinking one of these days 006 will ( ... )


matchboximpala December 4 2012, 05:29:46 UTC
JDM squicks me.

I don't know why, but it is true.


dodger_sister December 7 2012, 00:01:00 UTC
JDM squicks me.

/sputters indignantly/

Not only do you not find him attractive, but he actually squicks you?

I don't even know what to say. I suppose I should be happy there is one last person that I have to fight to the death for him. But woman, /handface/.



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