How Was Yours?

Nov 26, 2012 19:55

My Thanksgiving weekend was really good actually. ceitfianna came down on Wednesday afternoon and we spent a good three hours just talking; about fandom, writing, TV, her new job. Then when my sister came home, we decided to go out to eat. After, my sis had some cooking to do for the next day, so we put on That 70s Show and just hung out while she cooked ( Read more... )

thanksgiving gives me pie, the nephew, sick n tired, fan-kids, release the red dawn upon us!, my girls, buffy - i love the scoobies, movie blahblahblahing, family circus, cats are squishy fun!, x-men are hardcore hottie heroes, photos - pets, comics were always for cool people, real life, giles is a sexy beast librarian

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Comments 9

lindahoyland November 27 2012, 02:20:51 UTC
Wispa is lovely. Cats do have good memories. I recall a neighbour's cat running up the length of the street to meet me after not seeing me all winter.


dodger_sister November 29 2012, 00:06:17 UTC
Wispa is lovely. Cats do have good memories. I recall a neighbour's cat running up the length of the street to meet me after not seeing me all winter.

Thanks. Whispa's a sweetie, for sure. Yeah, when I lived with my mom Whispa always slept on my head at night. So now, even if I don't see her for a few years, she still knows me. :)


vikingprincess November 27 2012, 02:56:00 UTC
I was sick pretty much all break, and didn't get to see ThardworkingAHtm, but I did head over to my best friend's house for family midafternoon dinner on the big day. It was excellent, but exhausting. Now, I'm counting the days to Winter Break.


dodger_sister November 29 2012, 00:08:54 UTC
I'm sorry that you were sick all holiday weekend and that TAHtm was working. Boo, suck. It was not long enough of a break, was it? How long do your school breaks for Christmas last? My friend works at a private school and they get three whole weeks. But you're not going to be so lucky, are you?


vikingprincess November 29 2012, 01:08:34 UTC
Not nearly long enough! I was still so sore-throated yesterday that I lost my voice teaching, and stayed home today. Lots of sleep, some housework, some grading. It didn't suck, but I'm looking forward to the weekend like crazy.

My Winter Break will be two weeks plus weekends. It'll be nice!


shirebound November 27 2012, 13:20:45 UTC
Awwwww, Whispa!


dodger_sister November 29 2012, 00:09:30 UTC
Thanks! Whispa is so soft and fluffy and such a sweetheart.


fragrantwoods November 27 2012, 14:06:11 UTC
Whispa begs for a LOLcat caption :-)
It sounds like a lovely Thanksgiving--and your tree is up already?? Wow--I feel like such a slacker!
I've wondered about "Red Dawn". The first one came close to hitting some of my alternate history hot buttons, but there was some serious over-acting and scenery-chewing. I do wonder if a new cast upped the quality any.


dodger_sister November 29 2012, 00:24:31 UTC
Whispa begs for a LOLcat caption :-)

lol Yeah, maybe something about being a diva queen cuz she is a sweetheart but man, she can be a total diva when she wants to be. Just look at that picture - she both looks like she is posing for the camera and kind of disgruntled about it (now that I think about it, that is exactly how her mama cat, Zippo, always looked in pictures too).

It was a really good Thanksgiving, yes. And yep, the Christmas tree is up. Naw, you're not a slacker. My sister has very limited time on the weekends, so she has learned that if she doesn't put up the tree during her long Thanksgiving weekend, it just won't get done. So now the tree goes up the day after Thanksgiving and goes down the day after New Years.

I've wondered about "Red Dawn". The first one came close to hitting some of my alternate history hot buttons, but there was some serious over-acting and scenery-chewing. I do wonder if a new cast upped the quality any.I put my review up yesterday and the main thing is that the new one does not have that ( ... )


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