Or words to that effect.
kseda, or Keri
Age: 26
Are you a new, old, or both, series fan? I identify as old school only because I've been a fan since before the 2005 series. I do like the new stuff as well (to a degree), but I think I need to point out my obsession apreciation of the NAs and EDAs.
Which is your favorite Doctor? Five, with Nine and Eight close behind
Why? While Four was my first Doctor I always identified/sympathized more with Five. I like his approachability, his wit, his pretty, all of which is weird because as a rule I don't trust blonds. He brings out my natural love for the underdog, and my attraction to woobies.
Least favorite? Three
Why? I'll be honest and say I've never really seen much of his era. I own the Target novelization of "Day of the Daleks" and I saw bits of "Dinosaurs" and "Spiders", but the Petwee era with UNIT and the gadetry somehow strikes me as outside my definition of what Who is. Or it could be chalked up to memories of the Pertwee v. McCoy flamewars of old.
Which is your favorite companion? I could be nice and say Turlough or Leela or Ace, but since we're going for honesty/accuracy I have to say Fitz.
Why? See above re: underdog and woobie. He fits an "archetype' for lack of a better word that I've loved since I was a child, that of the sometimes-bumbling comedy sidekick who will save the day if the occasion calls for it. He is made entirely of angst and brings out my near-nonexistant mothering instinct. Plus he's incredibly loyal, funny, and flawed in a very human way.
Least favorite? Crap. Adric?
Why? I haven't seen any of his episodes in yonks but I recall wanting to smack him a lot when he was on. Yeah, later Rose gets the same reaction but she's redeemed by her first season.
Describe your general personality as best as possible: I'm told I'm funny. I tend to obsess over things (my new fandom this week is "History Boys") to a truly terrifying degree, needing to know everything about whatever's caught my attention at the moment. Yet I'm not flighty about it: once I latch on to something I rarely let go and I end up with piles of Things I Love. I can be broody and impatient and I bitch about things more than should be allowed.
Your strengths: I'm good with trivia, I'm adaptable, and I have a keen sense of direction.
Your weaknesses: I'm catagorically without ambition and lack a proper life plan. I have low self-confidence and spend a lot of time worrying about what I don't have instead of enjoying what I do.
How do you behave in the company of friends/family? I tend to be able to relax with people I know, as they know all my neurosis and tend to forgive them.
How do you behave in the company of strangers? I aim for being the center of attention while shoving my foot in my mouth. It's depressing.
Hobbies: I sing karaoke on Saturdays, I go drinking with friends, I write, I read, I fill out surveys.
Like: bookstores, trains, travel in general (I love airports, the smell of jet fuel and anxiety), changes in the weather, hearing a song I know will be a favorite first time through.
Loathe: Would it be cliche to say unrequited love, tyrany, and cruelty? All those things plus doctor's offices and blind ignorance.
Do you have a; large group of friends, a small close group or do you prefer to go it alone? A small, close-knit group. I don't mind being alone, either.
Do you prefer to lead or follow? I'm a navigtor, not totally in charge but I like pointing things in the "right" direction.
Do you want to change the world, or just do the best at what you do? Be the best as what I do. Soon as I figure out what that is.
I was way too tired to be filling this out.