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Comments 35

robintheshrew October 25 2012, 01:11:38 UTC
Marry: Tegan
Shag: Peri
Kill: Mel


donna_c_punk October 25 2012, 01:18:06 UTC


gehayi October 25 2012, 02:19:26 UTC
Ditto. This is an easy choice.


goodly_sin October 25 2012, 07:44:59 UTC
I apologise for being a humourless whinger, but... Why those three? Why pit three female characters against each other? Maybe it's because I didn't grow up in a country or era where this game was played, but it makes me uncomfortable.


taiyou_to_tsuki October 25 2012, 08:41:40 UTC
Um, yeah, basically this. It's not like there isn't enough sexism in fandom already, and pitting three female characters that get a lot of hate in fandom (at least Peri and Mel do; don't know much about the general opinion on Tegan) as it is against each other is deeply unnecessary and actually kind of upsetting.

This is a meta community. Why not talk about why these characters are so (in my opinion, undeservedly) disliked instead? Discuss their roles in canon, what could've improved them, how they're fleshed out in paracanon... This is Who, it's not like there's not enough screentime for any of them.


nonelvis October 25 2012, 13:05:39 UTC
Co-signed to both these comments. Not that there isn't a place for humorous discussion in meta, but there's plenty to discuss about each one of these characters in their own rights long before resorting to "shag, marry, kill."


redcirce October 25 2012, 14:24:58 UTC
I agree with you completely, but as I mentioned above, I know this comm does not get many Classic Who submissions, and it looks like the topic above was a submission. If you have any topics about Peri, Tegan & Mel (or any Who characters, really) that you think would make a good discussion, please, please submit them.


scifi_mel October 25 2012, 13:03:31 UTC
I must admit I've really warmed up to Teegan this year. When I was little I always preferred Nyssa (because she had longer dark curly hair and was very clever). Then a few years ago I rewatched her first epsiodes and found her just awful as she was just wanting to leave the whole time. Now I've watched more of her later episodes I really like her. She's clever, witty, and stands up for herself.

Peri and Mel however I still can't stand.

So having thought about it. I'd marry Peri cause I'd get to meet her mother at the wedding (played by Claudia Christian in a Big Finish) and then run off with her after the wedding.

Shag Teegan for all the above reasons.

And Cliff Mel!


viomisehunt October 25 2012, 17:28:52 UTC
Are we being asked if we would marry, shag or throw the Doctor off a cliff?

Or if Tegan, Peri, or Mel would have married, shagged, or thrown the Doctor off a cliff?

I definately think Peri should have filed sexual harrassment and abuse charges against Six, but Five actually milked a bat for the woman, so he deserved a kiss of thanks at least.

I don't remember Tegan or Mel very well so I can't honestly answer how they would dealt with the Doctor if the show was written in the vein. Wasn't there some scuttle about Tegan having a crush on the Doctor? Well it was Five and he was kinda cute.

I'm a classic Who fan, but American, therefore pretty superficial when it comes to pop heores. I like the Doctor but never thought of him as a romantic lead until Eight & Nine. Now Mc Gann in Hornblower---yum! eight was very sweet though. Four is my favorite Doctor but not the stuff of fantasy.


kilodalton October 25 2012, 18:25:19 UTC

Are we being asked if we would marry, shag or throw the Doctor off a cliff?

Or if Tegan, Peri, or Mel would have married, shagged, or thrown the Doctor off a cliff?

EITHER OR BOTH!!!! (Oooh I like it from their perspective haha)


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