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Comments 91

ibishtar August 7 2013, 02:42:43 UTC
Didn't the Yougov poll show that percentage wise, women are more open to the idea of a female Doctor than men? Also, Moffat was never going to cast a female Doctor. He's never said he'd personally be open to it, and at other times outright said it wouldn't chime with his idea of the character. You've only got to listen to the point-missing joke he made about it on the live show: "I propose it's time to cast a man to play the Queen". Whatever, Moff.


mengu August 7 2013, 10:35:07 UTC
He did cast a female Doctor.


ibishtar August 7 2013, 10:46:58 UTC
As a joke. You know what I mean.


snowflakie06 August 7 2013, 02:50:48 UTC
Personally I didn't (and still don't) want a female Doctor. Not right now, anyway, when they might cast a female in the role just for the sake of having a female Doctor and appeasing all those who do want to see a female Doctor. And, of course, I don't trust Moffat.

And yes, I am a female so Moffat got it right in my case. *eyeroll*


chesneyj August 7 2013, 02:53:34 UTC
Personally, if they ever cast a female, the show would have jumped the shark for me. I've been watching since 1980 and I would have stopped. It would have been been stunt casting and would have alienated a lot of fans.

I would love to have more female Time Lords but not a female Doctor.


snowflakie06 August 7 2013, 03:09:48 UTC
I would love to have more female Time Lords but not a female Doctor.

YES! And not partial-Time Lords or whatever like River. Though I would also like to see more of the Time Lords in general, though not if it's always in flashbacks or by meddling with the time-lock. Where be those fob watches? XD


finding_neo August 7 2013, 03:29:49 UTC
100% agree and I've been watching since 1979, so maybe it's an age thing, but I don't think it has anything to do with the Whovian being male or female. As a woman I don't want a female Doctor because of the temptation for the producers to make her sexy. I can see them making her like River Song. Bleh. But a sexy female Time Lord, I can go for that. I loved Romana II.


moon_catcher August 7 2013, 10:11:48 UTC
This. It seems easy to complain about yet another male Doctor, but did people actually think of what could (and most probably would) happen to a female Doctor, characterization and portrayal wise?
I am a woman and I am glad we have another dude traveling in the TARDIS.


pure_trance August 7 2013, 02:58:25 UTC
I think I would have preferred an actor of a different race to having a female doctor.


misterandersen August 7 2013, 04:17:06 UTC
Yes. However, Moffat's pretty crap about anything other than straight white males so we probably got somewhat lucky there.


halcyon August 7 2013, 19:37:40 UTC
According to Neil Gaiman a POC was offered the role and he turned it down, but he won't say who it was.


amorettea August 7 2013, 03:06:41 UTC
Another skinny white guy. Wow. I can hardly control my excitement. Moffat would never have cast a woman, even if Helen Mirren agreed to do it, but I do think the time has come to shake things up. Everyone panics at change but that is rather the whole point of this series. The main character can change.

Into another skinny white guy.

Although I am glad he is older, I would have loved to see a fresh take on the character, instead of a step backwards.


jordinothepizza August 7 2013, 04:42:10 UTC
Yeah, I agree with you. The Doctor *can* change into ANYONE...but he keeps changing into the same old thing. Wasn't this show supposed to be like Star Trek? To boldly go on TV where other shows dare to tread? To show people just how ethnocentric they are...and how there's so much wonderful adventure waiting for them outside of it if they'd just open up to it?


dojorkan August 7 2013, 05:56:48 UTC
Ah yes, because its totally wrong and bad for him to be "another skinny white guy".


amorettea August 7 2013, 23:18:14 UTC
Not wrong or bad. Just the same and boring.


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