If you could answer these questions it would be really useful for my Dissertation Uni project!
Email Me with your answers to
timelady221b@hotmail.co.uk Please have a good think about the questions and give honest replies! Thank you for taking the time to do this:)
- What is your Gender?
- The bedroom scene in Flesh & Stone and the ‘permission to hug’
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Comments 38
2. No he is not. He's merely being very considerate of Rory's insecurity when it comes to the Doctor and Amy.
3. They are realistic, but are NOT good role models. They are strong, but they can be dark and as bad as the rest of 'em, but they still are great girls. Though I don't like Amy much personally.
4. Rory. Oh, the poor bloke had to die, then wait two thousand years for Amy.
5. Above answer. And still Rory. He is BAMF.
6. ...?
7. ...?
8. It's very cute of him! I love the TARDIS, and she has always been a she to me.
9. Yes. It would be FUN seeing the Doctor trying to work out a woman's center of balance! AND HE NEEDS TO WEAR HEELS!
I might have said yes if River hadn't stolen the show there. I'm sure River wouldn't mind being married to a girl, but she would easily out-ham her wife. On a more serious note, though, I often think that the quality of agelessness sits more easily on a woman's shoulders and so a woman Doctor should be a subtle and serious thing that doesn't really mesh with the mounds of exposition he always needs to spout. It could be done, it would not be easy, but I do not think I will say it should be done. I certainly would watch and hope for the best.
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