'But David we wonder we wonder if the thunder is ever really gonna begin...'

Jun 22, 2008 02:02

RTD outrages English nationalists!

BBC Wales’ anti-English slur

Tonight’s episode of Dr Who, broadcast on BBC1, had a scene which portrayed the English as racists, likening them to the Nazi’s.

The scene in question shows an Italian family being loaded into the back of a truck to be taken to a forced labour camp. The Italian man says “you know how it is, England for the English” and one of the other characters then made a reference to Nazi forced labour camps.

Dr Who is made by BBC Wales and the actor playing Dr Who is a Scot. Throughout the series and in previous series, they have been consistent in their use of “Britain” and “British”. I don’t recall hearing “England” or “English” used once in this series. If they were consistent they would have said “Britain for the British” but they didn’t so it is reasonable, I think, to assume that it was a deliberate slur on the English by BBC Wales.

I have sent the following complaint to the BBC:

I watched Dr Who tonight and was disgusted by the portrayal of the English as racists, likening us to the Nazi’s.

The scene I refer to is where the Italian (?) man is being taken away to a labour camp and says “you know how it is, England for the English”.

If Dr Who wasn’t consistent in it’s use of “Britain” and “British” throughout every series then I might have let it pass but I think this is the first time I’ve heard the word “England” or “English” in this series of Dr Who and its use was entirely derogatory and offensive.

The fact that Dr Who is made by BBC Wales and its main star (although not in this episode) is Scottish only makes it worse. Do you have an anti-English racism problem in the BBC? It certainly seems so.

One comment so far: Done! It’s bloody disgusting. Brainwashing innocent kids and spreading anti-English poison.


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