just_muse_me | 10.10.6. Mariah Carey lyrics

Dec 26, 2008 02:28

10.10.6. All I Want for Christmas is You - Mariah Carey
"All I want for Christmas is... you"

Co-written with drcampbell | Set Christmas Day

Lachlan watched as Aiden got a little passionate with the new Nintendo Wii controller and flung it across the room mid tennis swing, only missing hitting Cameron in the head by inches and taking out a picture frame on the wall. He put his hand over his mouth in a shocked gasp as everyone burst out laughing and reminded him he should have the wrist band on. Lachlan sniggered and pushed the piano bench over to where Tara was sitting on the sofa beside Evie and Riley and tucked it up close to her so he could take her hands in his. “How are you feeling, beautiful?” he asked her and kissed her palms with a happy smile.

Tara smiled with a nod. “Wonderful,” she assured him. “Are you enjoying yourself, baby?” She slipped one of her hands from his so she could brush her fingers through his hair. He had been back and forwards to her the whole time, sometimes pushing himself into the spot beside her or perching on her armrest, but this was nice. She had him all to herself for a little bit. Not that she minded sharing with her family, but she was feeling particularly clingy to him today for some reason. It was just hard to find a wee free spot for a nice cuddle in a room full of people celebrating Christmas loudly and happily.

“I am,” Lachlan murmured happily. His hands went to her swollen belly, rubbing it softly near her bellybutton. Her Christmas jumper consisted of a brightly wrapped gift right over the top of her baby bump with a little tag that said ‘Wee Campbell’ hanging from it. “Very, very much so. I have my beautiful, amazing better half and my bairn incubating happily right in here. Everyone I love all in one room. I’m alive and even if we’re not all completely healthy, we’re all loved. I couldnae be happier, beautiful. I really dinnae think I could be if I tried. Maybe almost as happy as our wedding day,” he added with a grin.

“Smooth talker,” Tara teased fondly and traced her thumb across his lower lip. “No wedding night-esque sex for you tonight, though. It takes all my energy to work up to getting off my arse for a pee.”

Lachlan smirked. “Damn. And I already had a perfect way to hang mistletoe off my sporran.” He leaned over and nuzzled her stomach. “You hear that, my wee one? Mummy’s been all nesting for you. She cleaned everything and didnae even have any time to spare to polish Daddy’s willy. But that’s okay, but apparently Daddy’s willy has done everything it’s already supposed to do right here with you.” He pressed a kiss to Tara’s stomach and felt those now familiar squirming sensations under his palm.

Tara shifted uncomfortably, feeling the baby move inside her, yet again nudging right against her bladder and at the same time feeling like it was pushing up against her lungs. “Always reacts to your voice, Daddy,” she pointed out, smiling despite the discomfort. These moments with her husband far outweighed the crappy pregnancy symptoms. “Mummy is going to have no bladder left.”

“Oh, Mummy still loves us both,” Lachlan said with a cheeky smile up at her, still softly rubbing the side of the baby bump. He rested his head down on Tara’s stomach, resting there for a moment while he felt the movements from within against his cheek. He started humming ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer’ and gently drummed the tips of his fingers against the bump.

Tara felt that smile appear on her lips as her fingers reflexively threaded through his soft strawberry blond hair. That one that always came when she had him in her arms but couldn’t quite believe he was there or believe every amazing thing he was. That he was hers and always would be and now he was going to be this perfect father to their baby that they made together right when they thought their whole world had shattered around them. Just when they had tried to find that acceptance that they were never going to be able to make a baby together, no matter how much they loved each other, news came Tara was pregnant and she didn’t care how cheesy or corny it sounded; to her, it was nothing but a miracle. This was a miracle, too. Lachlan shouldn’t have lived the night he was shot, but now, every single day, she thanked whoever up there was listening that they gave him back to her and that he was strong enough to fight. If anything she wanted him to pass onto their child it was that… the strength to fight when the going got tough.

The drumming continued, but he picked up the beat a little when he sat up and started singing directly to the bump with a happy smile.

“ I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you! You baby.”

On the last word, he kissed Tara’s stomach again and then lifted his head to kiss her on the lips. He teased his lips against hers and deepened the kiss, still smiling. “I love you,” he told her softly as the kiss eased off. He stayed close and rubbed his nose against hers. “Nollaig chridheil, gràdh mo chrìdh.”

Tara broke into a smile, her nose scrunching up happily, hearing the Gaelic endearment from their wedding vows fall smoothly from his lips. “Nollaig chridheil, mo anam cara…” she said back and then hugged him like she never wanted to let go.

Nollaig chridheil, gràdh mo chrìdh = Merry Christmas, love of my heart
Nollaig chridheil, mo anam cara = Merry Christmas, my soul mate

All muses mentioned here are referenced with permission

Word Count | 987


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