Continued from
The trip home from New Zealand is simply not as pleasant as one should be. John stares up at the ceiling of the plane, studying the grooves in the walls as they fit together with the rest of the fuselage. Sarah's very quiet beside him, and not the sort of quiet that happens when one is content and sore from too much holiday
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"It's alright," he says, pressing John back until he sits and seating himself a polite distance away, fussing over John a bit worriedly. Pulse. Pupil dilation. Respiratory rate. "Really, John, it's alright. What's wrong?"
It's alright, he supposes, if John doesn't want to tell him but it would be much easier to work out a solution to the problem if he knew what it was. John seems confused, and Sherlock has always had a hard time working out what confused means other than just that. The fact that he's not upset can't be confusing, can it?
"It was nice," he clarifies. "Really, I'd not have minded if you'd stayed."
If such a thing had really been possible, anyway. It might work odd nights but when he needs to charge, well, bed-sharing isn't very feasible.
"I'm really not upset; look."
Sherlock is pulling off the bandage from his arm slowly and it's caught every hair on the way and ripped them out. One by one in a row. And yes, he knows where the next pinching sensation will come from, but that makes it worse and he keeps flinching which makes it even more terrible. Without meaning to, he gives Sherlock a pleading, almost imploring look ( ... )
If he sounds a little defensive it's only because he thinks he deserves that attention. It's new, someone liking him despite knowing what he is. A human, at that. He deserves that, doesn't he? There's nothing wrong with what he is, no matter what anyone else says, and John... well. John doesn't know. Sherlock slides their hands down to rest against his sternum.
"There's no reason to be jealous, John," he murmurs. "And she must have known you would be from the start. My mobile -- she'll have tampered with it before bringing it back, not during or after. What you did is inconsequential, and I think I know what she wants."
He presses down on John's hand. It's bound to hit any minute now, isn't it? John is a doctor. He's supposed to notice these things. "But you mustn't be upset. There's nothing; she's lovely and she wants me but ( ... )
He's not sure how to answer John's questions without speaking on such terms, though, so he opts for answering a different part of it. "I don't think Adler is out to blackmail me. Nor Mycroft. I don't believe she intends to do me any harm at all, unless I go out of my way to harm her ( ... )
He's not really sure if he's afraid or excited or just pretty hurt. His emotions are still there. Sherlock had fooled him completely. He's still fooling him completely, just sitting there.
"All right," he says finally. "Well, not, not everything is all right, but it's good that she's not trying to expose you." And that ought to be telling. John's still here. Still close. Still willing to work it out.
Or at least he's willing to keep Sherlock's secret for him too. He hasn't decided what else there is to do.
"Why did you tell me, Sherlock?"
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