Fic: Gather Ye Rosebuds

Feb 24, 2013 23:38

Gather Ye Rosebuds
by me, doctorpancakes
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Mike Yates
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1035
Warnings: subtext Speyside single malt scotch
Author's Note: The title comes from a poem by Robert Herrick, which, while not about the same thing as this fic, thematically sort of tied in enough that I decided ( Read more... )

brigadier lethbridge-stewart, classic who, fanfiction, doctor who, mike yates

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Comments 8

sidlj February 25 2013, 18:27:24 UTC
A charming reunion! Have another drink, boys. ;-)


doctorpancakes February 26 2013, 06:38:25 UTC
Don't worry, I do believe they will. Thanks!


a_phoenixdragon February 25 2013, 18:38:21 UTC
Ahhhh, so much love for this!



doctorpancakes February 26 2013, 06:38:49 UTC
Why thank you, darling! *huggins*


jjpor February 25 2013, 22:27:21 UTC
Aw, that's lovely. I often wonder about what happened to Mike after Invasion of the Dinosaurs, and whether or not he eventually made his peace with the other members of the "UNIT family". I like to think that there were no hard feelings, and indeed that there was a scene like this at some point. Thanks very much for taking part in the 'thon and for producing this. I hope we'll see you around in some of the later months too. :)


doctorpancakes February 26 2013, 06:40:39 UTC
Aww, it was my pleasure! I like to think that in later years, the UNIT gang would still get together for a pint and a cuddle and reminiscing and taking Bessie for a spin. And they all still love each other. Yep.


madmogs February 26 2013, 07:51:09 UTC
Oh beautiful! <3333333


doctorpancakes February 27 2013, 09:12:05 UTC
Thank you so much! <3


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