Obligatory free wifi departure lounge post

Feb 14, 2013 07:10

I'm waiting to fly to Los Angeles to go schmooze with people who like Doctor Who as much as I do. Looking forward to spending Valentines Day taking the bus to a Whole Foods in El Segundo on absolutely no sleep whatsoever to buy myself some kind of nice cheese and a bottle of guava juice. Because I love myself, and I'm worth it. I'm also dressed ( Read more... )

sixth doctor, classic who, peri brown, doctor who, grudgingly awake

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Comments 8

xthursdaynextx February 14 2013, 12:45:02 UTC
Have fun in Los Angeles!


doctorpancakes February 14 2013, 21:11:44 UTC
Thanks! :3


lost_spook February 14 2013, 12:59:01 UTC
Love the picture - aww!

And have a great time!


doctorpancakes February 14 2013, 21:12:46 UTC
Yay, glad you like it! (I admit to having spent a really, really long, soul-searching time trying to decide whether or not Peri would like Sonic Youth)


a_phoenixdragon February 14 2013, 15:00:03 UTC
Love the art!! And have fun, bb!!



doctorpancakes February 14 2013, 21:13:07 UTC
Thank you thank you! *hugglesnugs*


life_downsized February 14 2013, 15:25:10 UTC
Hooray! Hope you have a fabulous time!


doctorpancakes February 14 2013, 21:13:51 UTC
I'll try my best! So far, I've successfully navigated the city bus system and found a coffee shop with free wi-fi. Yessssssssssssssssssssss :p


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