Oh my giddy aunt!

Feb 01, 2013 04:31

Gally is (scarily) fast approaching, so I was chuffed to bits when I was awoken this morning by the arrival of my Second Doctor shirt at my doorstep. I immediately had to give it a test-run with the rest of my very nearly completed ensemble, and here be the results! I've not finished the TARDIS Pockets Of Awesome, and I seem to have misplaced my ( Read more... )

cosplay, my doofy face, classic who, doctor who

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Comments 9

liadtbunny February 1 2013, 15:06:38 UTC


doctorpancakes February 4 2013, 01:39:48 UTC


a_phoenixdragon February 1 2013, 16:51:10 UTC
Ohhhh, LOVE IT!! Eeeee!! You are adorable - and the outfit looks PERFECT!



doctorpancakes February 4 2013, 02:15:21 UTC
Oh thank you so much! It's seriously such a comfortable outfit - I've never felt so pretty. :3


stalkerbunny February 1 2013, 22:57:47 UTC
I saw these on tumblr earlier! very cute and fabulous~ That last picture especially seem like you've already gotten in character :D


doctorpancakes February 4 2013, 02:35:59 UTC
I've gotta say, as soon as I put the right clothes on, I find myself sort of carrying myself and moving differently - more like Two than myself. It, like, affects the way you walk and use your hands and stuff. It's like magic.


stalkerbunny February 4 2013, 18:41:25 UTC
Oh, I love it when that actually happens with costumes.

Some costumes I've had just felt really awkward because I either felt no real connection (admittedly in those two cases I was costuming for company and wasn't really that familiar with the characters which didn't help) to the character or just didn't feel comfortable acting like them so I just felt sort of... OOC.

And then in other cases it just clicks and you can actually be someone else for a while (within reason, of course). Which can be fun.

Reminds me of one sort of... anime renaissance costume I had which included a v. fabulous cape with fur. There was definitely something about that cape that gave this extra boost of confidence. :D


nonelvis February 1 2013, 23:45:42 UTC
You look great! Looking forward to seeing the costume in person in less than two weeks :D


doctorpancakes February 4 2013, 02:36:46 UTC
Yay, thanks! Oh my word, it is less than two weeks, isn't it? *nervous cling*


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