Fic: Bang

Dec 25, 2011 13:45

by me, doctorpancakes
Fandom: Mighty Boosh
Pairing: Howard/Vince
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1305
Author’s Notes: For Bluey, who asked for “Howard/Vince, Christmas crackers” for Christmas.

There were certain traditions that Howard Moon and Vince Noir dutifully observed every Christmas. )

boosh, slash, fanfiction, howard/vince, howince

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Comments 5

life_downsized December 25 2011, 22:55:04 UTC
“Noooooo, bow ties are not cool! Ugh, it’s awful Howard, look how much brown he’s got on!” are wonderful.
(Also, this reminded me of Roy: "They have the capacity to give me a little fright...")


doctorpancakes December 26 2011, 23:53:16 UTC
Oh Roy and his little fright, bless him. I have to finish writing my IT Crowd story. I love them so.

(Vince has a point, though: It really does take a very special person to pull off a bowtie.)


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doctorpancakes December 26 2011, 23:54:14 UTC
Me, I play tetris for 15 minutes until I realize I should have put the potatoes on 15 minutes ago. Tetris shag?


concupiscence66 January 3 2012, 15:38:32 UTC
“Is it?” asked Vince, shrugging nonchalantly. “I’ve usually had a lot of cider and eggnog by this time in the day. Nothing weird about needing to have a wee, Howard.”

“At the same time, every single Christmas day, for thirty years?” asked Howard.

So many lines cracked me up but this was my favorite! Their whole day sounds so lovely. There needs to be a Boosh Christmas special and they need to include the just-before-dinner-shag!


doctorpancakes January 4 2012, 04:52:10 UTC
I highly approve of this being filmed. HIGHLY.


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