
Dec 06, 2011 22:40

New artings. I've had this idea in my head for ages now, and finally got the paper and glue stick (and time and motivation) to make it happen. Yippee! As it happens, I'm also chuffed to bits with the way it turned out.

I am electro-sexual )

mighty boosh, bad art, art, howince

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Comments 19

concupiscence66 December 7 2011, 05:24:03 UTC
Soul patch! I love in the second series commentary when Ju says he should have kept the soul patch and Noel immediately says no, all wife like.



gina_r_snape December 7 2011, 17:54:45 UTC
Ha ha ha haaa! So much love for that moment.

And this drawing.


doctorpancakes December 7 2011, 19:49:36 UTC

Aww, cheers, my darlin' :)


doctorpancakes December 7 2011, 19:49:00 UTC
I KNOW, right?! They're so married. Thanks luv!


happymediocrity December 7 2011, 05:28:42 UTC
That is freakin' cute! It looks just like them.


doctorpancakes December 7 2011, 19:50:31 UTC
*beams* Thank you muchly!


roonerspism December 7 2011, 06:59:56 UTC
Damn, that's adorable! I love fancy lumberjack Howard <3


doctorpancakes December 7 2011, 20:01:44 UTC
I'm quite enamoured with the fancy lumberjack look on Howard too. Even Vince almost has to concede that it sort of suits him kinda in a still slightly grubby and woefully uncool sort of way. Glad you approve!


life_downsized December 7 2011, 07:35:29 UTC
*Tries desperatly to get the lumberjack song out of my head*

This is adorable! The colours are amazing - a bit like what Jones would see, no?


concupiscence66 December 7 2011, 14:20:14 UTC
Howard's a lumberjack and he's okay, he sleeps all night and chicka-chickas all day.


doctorpancakes December 7 2011, 20:03:51 UTC
Hee :3

Thanks muchly! I often think that of all the characters in all the things, I actually have the most in common with Jones, at least creatively (and certainly much of the contents of my ipod at any given time). Eeeeeeeeeeee :D


pitpony13 December 7 2011, 14:50:17 UTC
This is lovely!


doctorpancakes December 7 2011, 21:09:09 UTC
Aww shucksssssssss :)


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