Fic: The World Just Keeps On Ending (1/6)

Aug 03, 2010 01:45

Branching out into writing for more fandoms, I am! So here's my first (and most long-winded!) foray into the land of writing for Boosh... strangely familiar territory, as I used to write the funnies for theatre back in the day ( Read more... )

i forgot how little happens in chapter 1, the longest fanfictional thing i done, breakfast, howince, fanfiction!, this is chapter one, the end of the world, the mighty boosh

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Comments 23

thickets August 3 2010, 14:27:34 UTC
Ah, this is promising :D Feels very Booshy. I love how unconcerned Naboo is. Also, Scattergories!


doctorpancakes August 3 2010, 15:04:00 UTC
Aww, thankies!

(Also, I love Scattergories. It's brilliant!)


pitpony13 August 3 2010, 15:14:56 UTC
Great start! I look forward to more!


doctorpancakes August 3 2010, 21:11:37 UTC
Shucks. :) Thank you! There be more forthcoming!


jadore_histoire August 3 2010, 15:31:01 UTC
This sounds so cool - I love the humor thrown into a seemingly serious story. It reminds me a bit of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!

No, that club's just called DANCE, MOTHERFUCKER!” he shouted in New Wave Band Voice, accompanying the club's name with the appropriate roboty avant garde arm movements.

OMG I can picture this perfectly, complete with Noel doing the voice and pulling the appropriate shapes.


doctorpancakes August 3 2010, 21:47:56 UTC
*blushes like a sackful of beetroots* Thanks bunches, luv! I wasn't even thinking of Hitchhiker's Guide when I came up with this, but I LOVE Hitchhiker's Guide, so such a comparison makes me 52 flavours of happy! :D


drubbish August 3 2010, 15:48:34 UTC
Shiny things, dancing banana trees, magical trousers and whatnot

this seems like something Eddie Izzard would randomly come up with ;_; brilliant

NOW WHAT DO THEY DO, please let us know soon!


doctorpancakes August 3 2010, 21:49:02 UTC
Eddie Izzard! Gosh, I feel in good company. *squee*

Just putting the finishing touches on chapter 2, should be up in the not too distant future... Glad you dig it!


jolieperruche August 4 2010, 18:51:24 UTC
oooh yes! especially dancing banana trees!


doctorpancakes August 4 2010, 22:18:19 UTC
DOOD. My Other Half got me a talking Darth Vader for my birthday once: little did he know I'd just seen Izzard's Death Star canteen bit; I slapped a "Hi, my name is JEFF" tag on the action figure and consult him daily for confusing wisdom.


ftw302 August 3 2010, 16:00:13 UTC
Ooooo I am eager to see where this goes :)

And Naboo! Naboo being his typical nonchalant self!


Awesome :D


doctorpancakes August 3 2010, 21:50:52 UTC
If there actually was a club called DANCE, MOTHERFUCKER! I'd be there every weekend.


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