Fic: The Logistics of a Cuddly Bear Mating With A Peacock (1/10)

Jun 27, 2011 18:20

The Logistics Of A Cuddly Bear Mating With A Peacock
by me, doctorpancakes
Fandom: Mighty Boosh
Pairing: Howard/Vince
Rating: PG, this chapter
Word Count: 1036, so far
Warnings: mentions of food. Lots of mentions of food, actually
Disclaimer: I own a bag of jelly tots. Do not own the Boosh.
Author's Notes: Flipping FINALLY, right?! I've only ( Read more... )

teacakes, weddin', slash, i love teacakes, mighty boosh, breakfast, howince

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Comments 28

pitpony13 June 27 2011, 23:33:00 UTC
Yay, it's here! I love Vince's cake ideas, and their bickering, and Vince's itemized wardrobe inventory! And I think triumphant portobello and angry squirrel are my new favorite colors!


doctorpancakes June 28 2011, 00:07:48 UTC
I seriously want to eat that cake so bad. I'm classy.



jadore_histoire June 27 2011, 23:37:07 UTC
THIS IS ADORABLE! I know they're arguing, but it's still cute!

And I am laughing my ass off at the color "angry squirrel" XD It's wonderful love!


doctorpancakes June 28 2011, 00:10:27 UTC
It's actually not a bad shade of brown!

Not that I'd be seen wearing brown XD


gina_r_snape June 27 2011, 23:55:28 UTC
OMG I *love* your brain.

I now need a riot in Paperclip Castle when I expand my ficlet. Maybe the march of the plastic Pritt Sticks.

LOVE your names for browns.

LOVE the twisty with Vince proposing to Howard.

LOVE that they were in NYC (really? NYC? WHERE I LIVE).

Yessss, I approve muchly and must see MOAR.


doctorpancakes June 28 2011, 00:12:03 UTC
Yeahhhhhhhhhh RIOT! I approve of this.

Also, yes Vince did, and yes, they were in NYC. That happened here.

(And I'm going there in August, wheeeeeeeeee!)


gina_r_snape June 28 2011, 01:00:27 UTC
You're coming to NYC in August?

Might I suggest . . . we make a clay Naboo and do a claymation? Or, you know, just have a drink and reenact this pic or something.


doctorpancakes June 28 2011, 01:15:04 UTC
I sure am, yes indeedy!

Might I suggest that YES WE NEED TO DO THIS.


camdenprince June 28 2011, 07:32:37 UTC
I simply loved this. Was fun to read at breakfast.
But now I want a teacake, dammit! I've head none for ages! >.


doctorpancakes June 28 2011, 17:25:36 UTC
Teacakes are my lifeblood, but it's so hard to find proper ones here.

(Though somehow I found a supermarket in the east end of town that has caramel wafers; I need to get there more often...)


saena17 June 28 2011, 09:41:49 UTC
YAAAAY THE WEDDING IS COMING. <3 <3 <3 This can only be an amazing event. And I love how Howard and Vince manage to make even arguing adorable. :)

P.S. It might interest you to know that I am 2/3 of the way through my own UK adventure at the moment, so updates will be forthcoming! Could you remind me what the name was of the pub from Sweet that you went to? Because I think I might have gone there without realizing it.


doctorpancakes June 28 2011, 17:31:26 UTC
Howard and Vince wouldn't be Howard and Vince if they never disagreed ;) Glad you approve!

It DOES interest me to know this! Pete Sweet's pub is called the Elephant's Head, at the corner of Camden High Street and Hawley Crescent. I MISS IT SO MUCH :(


saena17 June 29 2011, 16:11:11 UTC
Awesome, I will send you links when the updates are posted. :D Turns out that I didn't go to that pub, BTW. Sad!


doctorpancakes June 29 2011, 17:52:26 UTC
Maybe someday, dude! It's a lovely pub :)


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