Fic: Flying Lessons (8/12)

Nov 07, 2010 18:56

Flying Lessons (8/12)
by Me, doctorpancakes
Fandoms: Boosh/Barley crossover
Pairings: Dan/Jones and Howard/Vince
Rating: PG-13, this chapter
Word Count: 1539, this chapter (10365 so far)
Warnings: dust
Disclaimer: I recycle my newspapers on a biweekly basis. I don't own Boosh or Barley, much as I sure wish I did.
Author's Notes: This chapter's ( Read more... )

flying lessons, fanfiction, adventures, howince, nathan barley, dan/jones, crossover, mighty boosh

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Comments 20

pitpony13 November 8 2010, 01:24:48 UTC
Howard finally got to be a true man of action!

“Look at these trousers, Howard,” said Vince frantically, indicating his epic drainpipes. “These are the tightest trousers known to man. It took a team of specialists to get me into them. If the two of us get any more enthusiastic while I've got these on, these trousers will break my penis.” LOL!

Great chapter!


doctorpancakes November 8 2010, 03:49:27 UTC
Thanks so much, pitpony! Howard's feeling pretty damn good about himself, I gotta say. :)


ftw302 November 8 2010, 01:34:17 UTC
Oh man <3 so perfect <3 <3

I love the big leadup to Howard putting his arm around Vince XD and the epic struggle to get Vince out of his drainpipes.

And the crimp! :D :D :D!! CRIMP!! :D :D That's one of the best original crimps I've read :D Aw man Sami this is an awesome series and I'm glad there's much more of it to come XD


doctorpancakes November 8 2010, 04:15:07 UTC
Aww sweets, you does be much too nice to me! Howard's such a funny gentleman. I suspect it'll be some time before he stops getting a little nervous when it comes to matters of the fuzzy-tingle-times. But D'AW THEY LOVE EACH OTHER

Heeeeeeeeehehehehehehehehehe I wrote that crimp while half-conscious on the bus. And then I was like OK I HAVE A NEW CHAPTER. I may have recorded this crimp on video someplace... Uhh, I don't know where.


jezziejay November 8 2010, 02:12:09 UTC
Oh, I'm so glad Vince's penis didn't break - that would have been very unfortunate. And Howard the Uncoordinated Gazelle defending his boyfriend's honour - just fabulous! And, and Vampire Poetry - how do you think of these things?? You are officially AMAZING and this fic is officially FANTASTIC!!


doctorpancakes November 8 2010, 04:39:19 UTC
I KNOW. I wonder if this incident will make Vince nervous enough to switch to wearing billowy wide-legged slacks at all times. I DOUBT IT WILL.

And and and OH GOSH THANK YOU MY DEAR! *bluuuuuuuush*


jadore_histoire November 8 2010, 04:10:51 UTC
This...this was EPIC! OMG I can't even pick a favorite part. YOU NEED TO WATCH OUT FOR NY VAMPIRES, BOYS! Hell, if they found me, I would have directed them to their hotel. Only they wold have to bring me up with them.


Might I add, the crimp? A+!


doctorpancakes November 8 2010, 05:03:07 UTC
Hola, tipsy! Heehee, if they'd found you it would have been all awesome and not dangerous and you totally would have gone back to their hotel and had champagne and cheesecake. *blows kisses* MWAH!


krissi2 November 8 2010, 07:19:39 UTC
Oh GOD! Where shall I start...

Howard defending Vince made me grin like mad... so cute :D And the Crimp!! The Crimp was amazing ;D And the trousers and EVERYTHING!

Just a great chapter ;D <333


doctorpancakes November 8 2010, 17:02:25 UTC
Thanks so much, luv! I always get so nervous about the crimps, but they're also like my favourite things in the world to write. So glad you liked it! :D


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