Fic: Flying Lessons (6/12)

Oct 29, 2010 17:50

Flying Lessons (6/12)
by Me, doctorpancakes
Fandoms: Boosh/Barley crossover
Pairings: Dan/Jones and Howard/Vince
Rating: PG, this chapter
Word Count: 1131, this chapter (7455 so far)
Warnings: Dan Ashcroft's novel
Disclaimer: I don't own Boosh, I don't own Barley, but strangely I think I own Dan Ashcroft's novel.
Author's Notes: This is a chapter ( Read more... )

flying lessons, dan ashcroft's novel, dan/jones, fanfiction, crossover, howince

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Comments 27

jadore_histoire October 30 2010, 18:16:19 UTC
Jones was with him, all smiles and support. Howard was trying to flag down one of those folks carrying about plates of hors d'oeuvres for another of those little crab cakes, and Vince was idly playing with a strand of his hair and searching for a reflective surface to check himself out in.


I like Dan's should write it for him!

Poor Howard - his writing prowess is failed to be recognized again.


doctorpancakes October 30 2010, 19:34:26 UTC
Aww, thanks luv! And don't worry too much about Howard, I think things will begin to look up for him...

AND I'M WRITING DAN'S NOVEL AND YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH when I'm not sidetracked by nasty little things like academic papers and shit. ;)


pitpony13 October 31 2010, 07:05:02 UTC
Poor Dan. I can relate to the hating being the center of attention in big crowds though. I really want to read his book now!

I love this and you for writing it!


doctorpancakes October 31 2010, 18:58:28 UTC
Oh you are way too sweet! It's completely ridiculous, but Dan's like MAKING ME WRITE HIS NOVEL so I am. Yup. THANK YOU. <333


krissi2 October 31 2010, 10:57:13 UTC
OMG YES!!! a new part <333 absolutely amazing, love. I love Dan's writing... I could really imagine him writing this ;D

<3 electronic-sunflash/krissi <3


doctorpancakes October 31 2010, 18:58:53 UTC
D'aww Sunflash! Thanks so much luv! <3


(The comment has been removed)

doctorpancakes October 31 2010, 20:16:27 UTC
OH COMPLETELY. The Idiots are... idiots.

Maybe Vince will surprise Howard by doing a bunch of photocopies of his writings and hiding them in cereal boxes...


ftw302 November 1 2010, 21:49:24 UTC
I read this in my teeny tiny hotel room and went :D :D :D when I saw it had updated and D: D: D: D: when I realized I couldn't comment on it.

COMMENTING NOW: I immediately wanted to draw Dan in his sexy sexy outfit because what you described is awesome, and pretty much how Julian rolls sometimes, isn't it? Aww yeah <3

But also neat how you actually wrote out bits of his book, and good description of the shit party. Poor Dan. Jones is there to make him feel better though :3



doctorpancakes November 2 2010, 02:38:08 UTC
AWW YOU COMMENT! *huggles*

I take secret silly amounts of pleasure deciding what people are wearing at any given time in my stories. It's totally a nicely-dressed Julian sort of outfit that Dan's got on. He looks hot.

And yeah, if there's anybody who can cheer up Dan, it's Jones. They'll be all right. OH THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR READING MY SILLY SCRIBBLINGS!


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