March Madness - Happy Mothers Day

Mar 02, 2008 02:21

The first of what is hopefully a long number of drabbles/ficlets/lists etc... that I am doing in March.

Today is all about Mother's Day. And who better to write about than my favourite Muggle and her Mother.

Young Hermione woke up and scratched her chin as she opened her eyes. She sat up slowly in her bed and brushed the hair off her face. After stretching and yawning, she sprung out from underneath the duvet, and slipped off the bed. Taking many small steps, her little legs scampered across the bedroom to her wardrobe. It was made out of dark wood and was even taller than her daddy. It was real tall.

Hermione dragged her chair from in front of the desk and placed it front of the open wardrobe. She climbed on the chair slowly, first with her knees and then after she was steady she stood up on the seat. The fair skin on her chubby little feet provided a nice contrast with the cherry colour wood on the seat. By standing on her tiptoes Hermione was able to reach onto the top shelf. Barely.

After retrieving the package that she had placed up there, she hopped down from the chair. She landed with a loud thump which was heard downstairs. Her parents both looked up at the same time and smiled. They could predict what was going to happen next.

The next thing they heard was quick little footsteps coming down the stairs. That was their little Hermione. Always quick like a bunny!

Her mother had just turned around before Hermione came running full tilt into the kitchen. She had a poorly wrapped package in her hands.

“Woah!” her father cried as Hermione came to a sharp stop right in front of her beaming mother.

“Is this for me?” asked Mrs. Granger.

Hermione nodded, and then added, “Happy Mothers Day mama!”

The package was thrust upwards underneath Bonnie Granger’s face. Hermione was standing perfectly still, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Mama Granger took the package from Hermione. This caused the little girl to clap and jump up and down in excitement.

“Open it mama. I wrapped it up ‘specially for you.”

Her father came and stood behind her and placed two loving arms around his daughter’s shoulders.

Mrs. Granger knew exactly what was underneath the wrapping. It was the same thing every year. However, this was the first time that Hermione had gone and wrapped them up. Which wasn’t exactly the best thing to do…

As they were daffodils.

But she wasn’t going to let this fact ruin a wonderful moment with her daughter. And as she gently peeled off the wrapping paper off, the small bouquet of flowers became visible. Fortunately they were all in reasonable condition given the circumstances. They just needed some water and sunshine.

“Do you like them?” asked Hermione as she stepped forward and clasped her hands together.

“Of course Hermione. They’re absolutely wonder…oof!”

Hermione had rushed forward and wrapped her arms around her mother’s legs. “I love you mama.” Her words were muffled because her face was buried in her mother’s pants.

Mrs. Granger bent down and picked up her daughter and held her against her hip. “I love you too Hermione!”

“Are the flowers going to be alright?” Hermione asked after she noticed a few petals had dropped off.

“Oh, yes dear! They’ll be just fine,” replied her mother.

They walked over to the sink where coincidentally Mr. Granger had a vase ready with water in it already.

“The flowers just need to be free Hermione. Wrapping paper is good, but sunshine and water is better.”

Hermione watched with glee as the daffodil stems plopped into the water.

“Should everything be free mama?” asked the little girl.

“Yes, Hermione,” came the reply with a nod. “Like I said before, plants should be free just like birds and animals. All God’s creatures are special and unique.”

“That’s why they should be free!” stated Hermione proudly and loudly.

“That’s right!”

Mrs. Granger placed a big kiss on Hermione’s cheek and twirled her around the room.

Hermione squealed in delight as she locked eyes with the most wonderful woman in the whole wide world.

It was the best Mother’s Day ever.

march madness

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