Court Recess -- RP for cia_jayhawk

Jan 27, 2006 01:12

Thankfully, the judge had decided that all parties involved could use a day off from the normal proceedings and ordered a recess until the next morning, and House had all but bolted from the room with absolute glee. His foot did hurt, just a little, but he was able to wear his shoes again and that made him happy, in addition to the day off from ( Read more... )

roleplay with brittany

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cia_jayhawk January 27 2006, 09:28:24 UTC
Kyle, standing in the hall about to go into his room and brood about the events of the day, just stopped and stared at House. "What?" he said. "You're not suggesting what you think I am, are you? The day after -- no, in fact, the same day -- you got dragged to the ER? Are you nuts?"


cia_jayhawk January 27 2006, 10:40:56 UTC
"Okay." Kyle appeared skeptical -- on both counts -- and did as he was told. Settling in, he took a deep breath and relaxed. At the least he was out of that damn courthouse. Never mind that he thought House had totally missed the point about his wife. "All right. Go for it."


doctorhouse_tm January 27 2006, 20:40:36 UTC
"Planning on it." He shifted in the seat and leaned the bike up to vertical, letting Kyle get set before he grabbed his keys and fired up the engine, letting the bike warm up for a minute as he rolled his neck around and nodded. "Put your feet up, I've got it."

Once Kyle did, House kicked the kickstand off and shifted into first, making his way slowly out of the parking lot and onto the city streets. He was heading towards the freeway that would take him out of the city in a general northwest direction. He'd done his research on Google before this trip, and he had just the place he wanted to go. Stopping at another light, he turned his head to speak. "Have I mentioned I despise traffic?"


cia_jayhawk January 27 2006, 20:59:46 UTC
"Greg, most people hate traffic on principle," Kyle informed him, smiling slightly. "We all wish there were less people on the planet sometimes just so they wouldn't be in our way, alas, life doesn't work like that." He chuckled dryly, wondering how Brittany was holding up. She was going out to lunch with Jake Hannigan, which he supposed was good for her, but he made a note to talk to her and see if there was something going on.

He paused, "So where are we going, really?"


doctorhouse_tm January 27 2006, 21:25:18 UTC
"A little northwards, I want to get out of the city." He started to say a name, but it didn't come out right. "'s...Shenandoah. If that sounds right. It's got a road that runs along the top of the ridge, and this time of year it's not very populated. There may be a little snow but hell, the roads won't be covered in it."

He wove his way out of the city and when he hit open freeway, he relaxed and got into a rhythm. "Remember," He yelled back over his shoulder. "Tap me if I go too fast for you."


cia_jayhawk January 27 2006, 22:06:50 UTC
"I'm fine," Kyle insisted, and settled back in for the ride. "And you're talking about the national park, I've been there. I have a thing for national parks." He smiled slightly. "You're going to love it, Greg. Just don't keep us out too long, I don't want your wife to worry. Or my brother."


doctorhouse_tm January 27 2006, 22:18:32 UTC
"I won't, I promise." He was inwardly amused at this idea of a curfew of sorts, when they'd be home and back in time for dinner.

His eyes were scanning the road, looking for a gap, a break in the light traffic -- and cops, though he'd never admit that -- and his opportunity. When he saw it, he smirked to himself when Kyle instinctively tightened his grip around his ribs. He'd warned the man once, and just leaned their bodies forwards as he shifted up into the next gear, then the next, the smirk growing behind his faceshield.

It didn't take a genius to know why he loved this.


cia_jayhawk January 27 2006, 22:35:49 UTC
Kyle had to get used to this. The idea that the only thing standing between him and a severe case of gravel burn -- in the best case scenario -- was his best friend's slightly crazed husband. The idea that there were no seatbelts, no doors, nothing between them and the open road. He tensed for a while and then finally got himself to relax, as long as Greg didn't try to break the sound barrier.

"I'm too young to die," he quipped.


doctorhouse_tm January 27 2006, 22:55:44 UTC
"I won't kill you. You forget," He turned his head slightly. "You're the one clinging to my body, we're going down together." A laugh. "And I'm not in the mood for two ER visits in one day."

He kept at his steady just-over-the-limit speed, making the occasional weave around other vehicles, and he didn't push it. This wasn't supposed to terrify Kyle. Once they were out of the reaches of the city and into the country, he knew they had about a half hour on the 64 until they got to the park, and that he'd need to get gas before they went in.

He did his best not to laugh when he gunned the engine and shot around a kid-filled minivan that was crawling in the fast lane.


cia_jayhawk January 27 2006, 23:04:57 UTC
Kyle just rolled his eyes, settling back and letting his mind wander for a long few minutes about everything and nothing in particular. He had a lot to think about, and he could start combing through it on his own pace, away from the noise. He closed his eyes and relaxed, letting his brain run free.

After a long few minutes, he teased, "Are we there yet?"


doctorhouse_tm January 27 2006, 23:38:23 UTC
"Keep that up," Another car passed. "And I'll go faster." He teased, throttling back a notch as he knew they were nearing the small town outside the park entrance, and therefore more cops would be around. "But yes, we're almost there. And why the hell are you asking me, you're the one who's been here before."

He throttled down again, sighing as the adrenaline in his body protested the lack of speed, and a few minutes later he killed the engine in front of a gas pump. A nod of his head. "Climb off, you may want to stretch a little bit."


cia_jayhawk January 28 2006, 00:20:10 UTC
"I'm asking you to be annoying, dude, get with the program." Kyle rolled his eyes in mock annoyance as he climbed off the bike and stretched out his back and arms. A check of his watch, keeping an eye on the time, as he pulled the helmet off and felt in his jacket pocket for his cell phone. "Think I should call your wife and inform her we're not dead?" he quipped.


doctorhouse_tm January 28 2006, 00:31:03 UTC
"Fine, then we'll go faster. And yeah, you should call her. She's probably just relaxing, but she'd appreciate knowing we're not dead." He said, pulling his helmet off and running his fingers through his hair, as he grabbed for his wallet and pulled his card out, then went about unscrewing the gascap and filling the tank.

He looked over as the other man dialed, figuring he'd be involved in this conversation somehow.


cia_jayhawk January 28 2006, 00:38:45 UTC
Kyle waited for Brittany to pick up, hearing the phone go through two rings before she answered with her usual succinct address. They made small talk for a few minutes. She was downtown having lunch with Jake Hannigan, and things seemed to be going well. She sounded a little off, but when he asked, she just said she didn't want to talk about it right then. He shrugged, not one to push her, then held the phone out.

"Greg, you wanna talk to your wife?"


doctorhouse_tm January 28 2006, 00:44:30 UTC
"You say that like I'm gonna say no." He teased, motioning for the phone. "Gimme. Of course I want to talk to her."

He waited for Kyle to hand him the phone, and then he shifted the hand on the nozzle and tucked the phone against his shoulder, keeping an eye on the gauge. "Hey, you." He smiled, out of habit. "The weather is nice. You should tan on the balcony, I'm sure room service could get you a pina colada." He knew the image that would conjur probably wasn't the cleanest, so he just laughed. "I love you. How're you doing?"


bravotwozero January 28 2006, 01:16:27 UTC
"I'm fine, Greg. Just having lunch, and then I'm gonna go back to the hotel and read for a while." Brittany shifted in her seat, balancing the phone while she poked at her sandwich, ignoring Jake's bemused look. "And you're right, the weather is nice, but you don't have pina coladas in Richmond, you have them in Tahiti."

A laugh. "I love you too. How are you feeling?"


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