meegat wrote in doctoreleven Sep 20, 2011 18:42
tagsplosion, brb vomiting rainbows, matt smith: nature's fertility drug, universal boner time, boom! you're pregnant, closing time, series sex, fanboys are cool, shenanigans, spontaneous ovulation, brainy spex, specs appeal in spades, squee, silliness, fanservice, cheekbones chiselled from pure epic, bowties are cool, lipservice, the coat he always wanted, i wear glasses now, look at that teak crest god damn, is this real life?, capslock, bringing the love, fangasm squee, i can't even, matt smith, rad bromance, brb shipping, boy love, fandom will implode, fangasm, neverending sexual frustration, james corden, guest stars, bromance, smorden, it's a rainbow experience, future's so bright gotta wear shades, unexpected!sexiness, unf
darkestboy wrote in doctoreleven Jul 19, 2011 14:38
series 6, craig owens, is this real life?, hand!porn, tagsplosion, youtube love, brb vomiting rainbows, karen's hair is to die for, universal boner time, fangasm squee, i can't even, series sex, rad bromance, matt smith, brb shipping, fandom will implode, all hail the moff, boy love, shenanigans, teasers, fanservice, the doctor is in, team sexy, the moff knows his fanbase, shit just got real, what are you planning moff?, speculation, it's a rainbow experience, karen gillan, moff went there omg, unexpected!sexiness
darkestboy wrote in doctoreleven Apr 06, 2011 13:27
magazines, it's a rainbow experience, arthur darvill, why so sexy arthur?