Morning Conversations - Dr. Thredson fic

Nov 07, 2012 15:03

Character: Dr. Oliver Thredson
Genre: Gen
Author: doctor_thredson aka sylar
Fandom: American Horror Story Asylum
Word count: 680
Rating: PG 13
Note: No spoilers really. This is before Thredson gets to Briarcliff. I present a theory about Thredson though. First attempt at the good doctor's voice.

Sunlight made the dew drops on the rose bushes near my front door glitter. I took a deep breath of the morning air, stretching and arching my back, before picking up my newspaper and the bottle of milk that were resting next to the welcome matt. My neighbor, Mrs. Hutchings, waved at me from her front porch. She was wearing a bright green dressing gown with curlers in her honey blond hair. I waved back with a big smile. Mrs. Hutchings was always nice to me. I was after all the eligible bachelor on the block, and she had been a widow for a couple of years. You could tell because her lawn needed trimming. If she had a husband, her yard would look better. Too bad her son wasn’t old enough to pick up the slack.

“Good morning, Dr. Thredson,” she called. Apparently a wave wasn’t enough for Mrs. Hutchings this morning. “It’s a beautiful morning, isn’t it?”

“Yes it is,” I told her with a bland smile still painted on my face. Hopefully she didn’t want to talk to me, but when she opened her mouth, I knew that I was doomed.

“They caught him. Did you see?” she asked, holding up her copy of the Boston Herald.

“Not yet,” I replied, pulling the rubber band from my paper and unfolding it carefully. “I see.” The Boston Police Department said they’d captured Bloody Face. I had to hide a snort behind my hand, turning it into a clearing of my throat, to hide my laughter. “I see. Kit Walker…” My eyes scanned the article while Mrs. Hutchings made her way from her yard to mine. Now I’d never get rid of her.

“He says aliens did it. Can you believe that?” She shook her head, which made of the pink foam curlers fall free to roll onto the damp lawn. Her escaped hair curled into a question mark over her ear. “He’s crazy.”

“It doesn’t say that he’s been evaluated yet, Mrs. Hutchings.”

“Delores, please,” she said, batting her lashes at me. In truth she was attractive when she was properly dressed, but at the moment she looked like the before image of an advertisement for Tony Home Perms.

“Delores.” She got another smile while I read the rest of the article. “He’s been taken to Briarcliff. Have you ever been there?”

“No,” I said with a sigh. She was starting to annoy me, but with a suspect in custody it wasn’t as if I could get rid of her. Besides she had children, and she lived next door to me. It’s bad form to murder your neighbor. She also picked up my newspaper, mail and milk if I had to be away over night. She was a good neighbor and those are rare indeed.

“Your phone is ringing, Dr. Thredson.” Her dark eyes tried to peer beyond me through the partially open door of my house. It was too dark inside for her to make out anything. I hadn’t opened the curtains this morning, and I might not for a few hours yet.

“Yes it is. Good day, Mrs…Delores.” I tucked the paper under my arm and shut the door behind me. I set the milk on the table while I answered the phone that was hung near the kitchen sink. “Hello, this is Dr. Thredson.” I listened as I was informed that they wanted me to go to Briarcliff to evaluate Kit Walker. “This afternoon? I might not be able to get out there until tomorrow morning would that be all right?” I lit a cigarette while they decided if that was acceptable and blew a curl of smoke into the air. “I’d like to see the evidence that the police have on him before I speak to him. You know me. I like to be thorough.”

Once I was off the phone, I made a pot of coffee and some toast, sitting at the kitchen table I reread the article on Kit Walker and my smile got bigger and bigger. They had the wrong man, and I should know.

Thank you for reading. Comments are always appreciated. Sorry about the Captcha. Too much SPAM on LJ.

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