Title: Jealousy Pairing: Jun/Ohno (Juntoshi) Rating: PG/PG13 Word Count: ~12k Summary: Set in my Collared universe. Jun is busy filming and something seems to be bothering Ohno. If only Jun could get the other to tell him what it is
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Going to the next part, just wanted to say that, I am addicted to this universe and the way you write Juntoshi. And drunken!Ohno was so adorable and clingy it was amazing. :D
It's really refreshing to read your writing after a long, shitty day (why did my lapppi die on me and leaves me with my old, partly broken one???). You write their way of being together so natural and sweet that I can see them acting right in front of their eyes and they way you included the other Arashi members was really sweet. All messages totally reflected their characters and made me smile!
Now I'll go on writing the next chapter of my report for work (cause the report I wrote over the weekend died with my lappi T.T), but when I'm done with this chapter, I know that a new one of your JunToshi chapters is waiting for me, so I'm (slightly) motivated^^
I was still stunned with the discovery of Arashi, when I started to see fans talking about Lucky Seven SP! I had no idea what was that, but with comments of the SP I started to see stuff about the drama and there I went look for the drama. Everything was so amazing! Jun (Doumyōji) and his sister, Nanako (Tsubaki)! I was still in a high of HanaDan. I remember that the only rumor I saw was that Eita stayed out of the series for some episodes because he was getting more attention than Jun... But It seems it was because of Eita's butai (The Glass Menagerie, perhaps...?). I found all of that so silly. It's normal to be protective of whom you love. To feel jealousy is OK, but you have to talk about it!
Comments 5
It's really refreshing to read your writing after a long, shitty day (why did my lapppi die on me and leaves me with my old, partly broken one???).
You write their way of being together so natural and sweet that I can see them acting right in front of their eyes and they way you included the other Arashi members was really sweet. All messages totally reflected their characters and made me smile!
Now I'll go on writing the next chapter of my report for work (cause the report I wrote over the weekend died with my lappi T.T), but when I'm done with this chapter, I know that a new one of your JunToshi chapters is waiting for me, so I'm (slightly) motivated^^
Juntoshi is fun to write, so i am glad it makes you smile!
Good luck with all the work things!
I remember that the only rumor I saw was that Eita stayed out of the series for some episodes because he was getting more attention than Jun... But It seems it was because of Eita's butai (The Glass Menagerie, perhaps...?). I found all of that so silly.
It's normal to be protective of whom you love. To feel jealousy is OK, but you have to talk about it!
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