Hello people!
What a horrid day today has been. Lots of little things, my friends, lots of little things.
As I said in my earlier post, I woke up at 5:00 today and was wide awake. I tried to go back to sleep, but I just couldn't. I watched the news and then last night's Jeopardy (which I DVR'd). I freaking ROCKED that, btw, lol (I know it was Kids
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Comments 15
I hope you feel better after sleeping. *huggles*
Thanks so much. <3 *huggles*
You're welcome so much. *huggles*
I'm sorry your day was so generally bad. *hugs*
I've never heard of birth control doing that but I could see how it could happen. And even if it s the pills it might stop in a bit once your body gets used to them.
a big EPIC FAIL for no Interbet :( We'll (all your LJ friends) try to help by leaving you lots of nice stuff to read when you can get back on.
Thanks. *hugs* <3
Yeah, I'll wait it out.
Surrsly! :( Awww, thanks! :D <333
I God, I hate hiking with passion. I *always* hurt myself in some way.
Crappy day huh? :( But it's great that you saw your friends again:D
I was without teh internetz in the last 7 days, and I also panicked about it. I'm so addicted to it. But you get used to it pretty quickly, so it's not that bad^^
Don't like your uncle? :(
SERIOUSLY, hiking blows. :(
Yeah. Indeed! :]
UGH, a week?! TORTURE! Unfortunately, it won't be that easy for me. I've been without internet for a handful of days before, and I hate it. I don't have much willpower, lol.
No, he's an asshole and I hate him. A lot. Like, I hate everything about him, he doesn't have a single redeeming quality.
It really does. I hate it so much.
Yeah, I know:/ But there was alot of family focus and non-privacy, so I didn't have time to grief, lol;)
Wow. That sounds awful. He must be an ass!
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