Ok, I'm leaving, I had fun with these claim communities but now they are just kind of annoying. So yeah, all my claims are up for grabs. Not gonna list them because this entry is going to be crossposted all over the place, so yeah. Sorry. TaTa all!
Hello, I'm new and I would like to claim Bruce Cambell (actor). I didn't see him on the list but if any one has already claimed him let me know. Thanks!
Hey, haven't been here for a while, how many claims are we allowed right now? So far I just have one but there a couple more things I'd like if I can. Thanks! And I'm gonna pimp the community, don't worry.
My claims journal used to be rhymeswithlungs, but now I've changed to my_shininglight. My claim was Faramir of LotR, but I would like to change it to the ship Harry/Hermione. Thanks!
Hey there! I would like to claim Farmer Ted (from the movie 16 Candles) under the characters category. Even though he's a geek, he's still cool. Thanks. smiles, Alex ;-)