chemical_stripe for writing the best Ray/Gerard about. It's called Aftermath and can be found on Wednesdays and Sundays on
mychemicalslash, because that's where I find it.
Pairing: Ray/Gerard (DUH!)
Gerard quite often wondered why Ray sat curled around his laptop twice a week, staring at the screen and clicking the mouse once every so often. It was the only time that Ray ever bothered to lock the computer when he goes to get something from the fridge or go take a slash.
Gerard only knew because he'd checked. Only once, no more. He didn't try the password Ray had told him months ago, knowing that what Ray wanted to stay private should stay that way.
Of course, when Ray smiled brighter than he had all day, Gerard started to wonder what was on that screen that was tearing Ray away from the others, from him. When Gerard had woken up that morning, he had found Ray cuddling his laptop and a cup of black coffee. He was waiting for something, and it seemed incredibly important.
The next day, Gerard had woken up early, knowing that Ray would still be asleep, tired from yesterday and had pulled Ray's laptop onto his lap. What he hadn't expected was for the last page on Ray's internet history to be livejournal. It was a log out page.
He followed the chain back until he found a story - he felt like a secret detective - titled Aftermath.
Three hours later, Ray found him curled around the computer, staring at it. Ray touched his shoulder and Gerard looked up, through bleary, red eyes.
"It never happened like that. I wish it had." Ray looked at the screen and laughed, sitting down. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders and pressed his face to Gerard's neck.
"I used to as well. But our way had lots more sex." Gerard eyes brightened and he pushed the laptop onto the table.
"That's true, I suppose."
chemical_stripe, along with
linzeems, is one of my favourite authors and I implore you to read Aftermath. It's brilliant.