He had to leave his room some time...

Nov 12, 2009 21:09

[Matt's sitting behind the bar, with a cigarette in one hand, a paperback version of Interesting Times in the other, and a half-finished pint glass of a copper-colored beer in front of him. He's lost track of how many times he's read through the Discworld series, and most of his attention isn't on the book, which he's mostly memorized by now anyway ( Read more... )

amnesia!matt, bar, social

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redeemed_m November 14 2009, 05:45:01 UTC
[Mello is wandering around the halls, seemingly aimlessly, when he stops by one particular door and rests his hand on the knob. He's been warned about the rooms in here doing fishy shit, but this one doesn't have an X on it and really, he can't just keep pacing through the corridors without checking any of the rooms, if he hopes to ever get out.

Almost tentatively, he turns the knob and peeks in, immediately pleased with the sight. Nice. He was thinking that if he didn't get a drink in him soon, he was likely to go nuts. Yeah, it's fucked way of coping, but after everything that's been explained to him, at this point, he really doesn't give a shit.

He fixes his attention on his figure behind the bar, the heels of his boots landing heavily on the floor as he walks over. Matt. Or...a Matt. Sure, he looks like the Matt with whom he's spoken before, but Mello's quickly learning that around here, that doesn't count for much.

He reaches the bar and flashes a smile, leaning over the surface and resting his elbows down.]


[If ( ... )


redeemed_m November 17 2009, 06:01:46 UTC
Could've experienced it and forgotten it when you woke up. [His tone is contemplative; the words spoken more to himself than Matt.

He begins to reach out toward the cigarette in order to pluck it from Matt's mouth for a drag and catches himself halfway, dropping his hand. It's more of a habit than anything.]

I think I'll fuck a bike up at this point, honestly. [An uncertain laugh.]


onlydisappear November 17 2009, 06:10:31 UTC
Maybe. I don't like to think about it. [Living through his actual death twice was plenty.] You want a smoke? [M swiped Matt's cigarettes remorselessly, so he's not surprised.]

I would drive, but I prob'ly shouldn't. Oh, hey, there's a beach room, if you'd rather.


redeemed_m November 17 2009, 06:16:46 UTC
[Makes sense. He nods understandingly, shifting slightly on his feet.]

Yeah, if it's cool.

[His hair partially obstructs his right eye as he glances back up, flashing another smile.]

Haven't seen the beach in a long time. Never get to see much of Cali. Work and all.


onlydisappear November 17 2009, 06:23:55 UTC
I know it. I don't think I ever went to the beach in LA.

[The idea of just flopping onto the sand is pretty appealing to Matt, actually, for all that he used to shun the outdoors. He concentrates on remembering where the beach room is, then grins. A light bulb might as well appear over his head.]

Next floor down!

[He shakes another cigarette out of the Marlboro pack and holds it out.] Here ya go.


redeemed_m November 17 2009, 06:57:57 UTC
[Mello glances at the stairs, deciding to leave the bottle alone until they actually reach the beach area. Tumbling doesn't seem like a good plan, at the moment.]

'Preciate it. [Plucking it from Matt's hand, he sticks the filter in his mouth and blinks, waiting for a light. He never carries one of his own. Never really smokes that much either, actually. It's a thing he saves for either occasions or times of extreme stress.]


onlydisappear November 17 2009, 07:03:10 UTC
[Matt's ready with his lighter, and laughs when he can't keep the flame steady at first.]

Now there's one way Mellos are different. Knew one who smoked cloves, and one who bummed off me all the time. Mine, he used to bitch at me for chainsmoking.


redeemed_m November 17 2009, 07:11:40 UTC
[He reaches out, wrapping his gloved fingers around Matt's wrist in order to ensure a proper light and leans in, taking a long drag.]

Cloves. [A small grimace crosses his features.] Never really liked those. I usually'll smoke whatever's around. Prefer menthols, though.


onlydisappear November 17 2009, 07:25:12 UTC
Ew. [He laughs as he tucks the lighter back into his pocket.] Menthols're like lighting the end of a pack of Life Savers and inhaling.

[He puts the hand not occupied with a cigarette on his waist, and tips his head at Mello: link up arms; we could both use someone to lean on. The bourbon has hit him harder than he expected.]


redeemed_m November 17 2009, 07:31:25 UTC
Heh. Most people say toothpaste, but yeah. Somethin' about them being the only thing you can stand if that's what you start on. Everything else tastes like air.

[He hesitates...then nods, sliding his arm through Matt's and crooking his elbow.] Christ, doesn't this place have fucken elevators? Or don't I wanna know?


onlydisappear November 17 2009, 07:43:07 UTC
Gotcha. It's Marlboro reds for me, 'cause that was what I could swipe when I was eleven. Any other kind's too weak.

[He would add his usual line about how it isn't as if smoking is going to kill him, but something tells him not to. Maybe he subconsciously noted Mello's reaction to the 'and hope to die' he didn't say out loud. He leans into him a little, starting down down the steps again, nice and slow.]

Never seen an elevator. But shit moves around, y'know.


redeemed_m November 17 2009, 07:52:15 UTC
[Cigarette and bottle in one hand, his other arm now wrapped tightly around Matt's, Mello attempts to keep his balance and steps down tentatively, bringing the over-occupied hand up to take an awkward drag.]

Yeah, haven't seen that yet.

[He turns his head slightly and blows out a long trail of smoke, each step a bit of a balance-test. But it's alright. Between the two of them, he doubts either of them are fucked enough to go sprawling down a flight of stairs just yet.]

So the ocean...it's like..real? Like saltwater and fish and shit?


onlydisappear November 17 2009, 07:59:01 UTC
Seems real. Smells real, ha. I've only waded in it.

[That he imagined he could smell the ocean, and felt a weird longing for it, dozens of miles away from it in Pennsylvania in the earliest memories left to him, is something he hasn't even told his Mello.]

We're good, there's the landing, [he answers the tension he senses in Mello as much as anything else.] Been through worse, yeah?


redeemed_m November 17 2009, 08:05:50 UTC
[He laughs faintly and takes the last few steps with more confidence, clutching the bottle tightly in his hand and holding the cigarette firmly between his index and middle fingers.]

Pft. Compared to some things, walkin' down a couple flights of stairs half-banged isn't shit. [A cracked smile.] How 'bout you? [He glances over, keeping his hold.] You alright?


onlydisappear November 17 2009, 22:08:35 UTC
Yeah, 's all good. [When they reach the landing, he holds out his hand for the bottle, half-thinking that he ought to catch up with Mello for fairness's sake.]

You're right. We can do fuckin' anything.


redeemed_m November 18 2009, 00:02:32 UTC
[His arm slides away from Matt's and Mello transfers the cigarette to that hand, passing the bottle over with the other.]

Yeah, like make it back up those stairs when this is done. [He nods toward the cognac.

But apparently, not stay alive. It's on the tip of his tongue, but he swallows it back, opting not to take the bitter route. There's no guarantee that either he or Matt are set to die back in his world.

Though the situation may certainly provoke the possibility.]


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