State your Request

Jul 05, 2009 07:26

A new room has appeared -- or maybe it was there all along, and you never noticed it.

The door, on the tenth floor, is different from most of the other doors in the mansion: it's narrower, and it has delicate molding, cut in the shape of bamboo, making five rectangular panels from the top to the bottom. A small golden plaque says, Petitions. The enamelled knob, too, seems smaller than those on other doors on this floor, antique, somehow fragile and precious.

When you enter the room, the first thing that you will notice is that the walls, floor, and ceiling are painted matte black. There are a few miniature spotlights on a track in the ceiling, and they all focus on the center of the room, as if inviting you to stand there. Your footsteps will click and echo as you cross the room, which is about twenty by twenty feet.

Just next to the center of the room, there's a small, ornate gilded table, round with curving legs, about waist-height. On it is a stack of thick cream-colored cards made of heavy cotton rag paper, a small stand holding a dip pen and black ink (in a red, apple-shaped inkwell), a silver bowl, and one larger placard, covered with elegant script and propped up in a holder meant to display it.

The words on the placard are:

State Your Request

1. Write your request on a card
2. Don't forget to include a payment (mention what you're willing to give up in exchange)
2. Read the words aloud, standing in the spotlight
3. Fold the card and place it in the bowl
4. Wait and see what happens

The silence in the room is profound, but something about it feels anticipatory -- electric.

[This isn't a room to play in today; rather, it's a room that I'm introducing to the setting to be used as needed in the future.

How this works: when you want to make a request to be sent home, to have a dead character resurrected, to lose unpleasant memories, etc.:
1. Send an LJ message to mansion_master so I know that you need a thread with me.
2. After we agree on what will happen, make a post to the community in which your character visits this room, mentioning that the post is closed to your character and The Master. Be sure to link back to the room in your post! (It is also possible that I will make the post in response to your request.)
3. Play out a scene in which the room reacts to your character being in it (The Master will control the room).
4. Your request will most likely be granted.

The reason it's set up this way is that, while the Master is willing and able to grant these requests, it isn't possible to arrange a face-to-face meeting with him: he likes to go around incognito, leaving the impression that no one has ever met him. Therefore, he has made this "message center" available to characters. This has nothing to do with the Assistant; it's his own thing.]

the master, !room, request a favor from the master

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