Not an original idea - I know. I thought I'd go with an easy week along with testing. Hopefully this easy week week will generate lots of icons!
Image Provided:
Under the cut are several images I've chosen for you to use. The sky is the limit for what you do to them. The requirements: I must be able to see the original picture, if it's not visible I will not accept (like if you make it way too dark, light, or cover it with another image). If you want to use a cap of your own, feel free to do so but they must be exactly like the ones below. You may also combine the pictures as you please.
I tried to choose interesting ones, I hope you agree on that factor. I plan to do image provided themes every so often - an easy challenge when the comm. slows.
How to Submit:
URL: Remember:
*Submit icons to this post (screened before and during voting; unscreened after voting has concluded).
*Icons must fit LJ standards (100x100 or smaller; 40KB or smaller; jpg, png, or gif).
*Up to three icons per artist
*Completely fill out ALL areas of the submission form (except for notes, which are optional).
* Icons are due Sunday, May 13th at 8:00PM PST
***If you have any questions, please feel free to ask***
I'm planning on making a LIMS for Death Note soon. Anyone interested? It won't be another two weeks until I have that kind of time (and lack of stress and more sleep) to do so. I think it would be neat...