Name: Katie Jo.
Age: Fifteen.
Height: 5'2"
Personality: I'm impersonal and delight in manipulating others. Sarcasm is my second language. I have no compassion, and I used throw rocks at other children in kindergarten. I'm intelligent (all AP classes, yo), and extremely apathetic. I can be very polite and social when it benefits me; I read a lot, and I'm always bored. (I should probably get a deck of cards or some shit.)
Strengths: Ruining stuff.
Weaknesses: Pfft. Yeah right. I totally don't cry myself to sleep every night. That would be weird, right? Right, guys? D=
Bad Habits: I like all my habits. They are all good.
Likes: Coffee, indifference, and the smell of bleach.
Dislikes: Boredom.
Hobbies: Studying. Reading. Writing. Working.
Talents: Lying.
Interests: Working.
Favourite character: Ukita. He was EPIC.
Least favourite character: Mello. What a spaz.
Would you use the Death Note?: Yeah. For like, a private journal or some shit.
Who would you use it on, and why?: Ur momz.
Do you support Kira?: No. I never got around to supporting anyone.
Anything else you'd like to add?: NO.