Name: "Far" or "Freak." .... That's all.
Age: 17
Height: ....average.
Personality: Calm. Quiet. Monotone. Polite. ... Gloomy. ...Just wants to help. ... But, not too bright. ...Ah.... but, that doesn't mean I don't do a lot of thinking. I do.
I think about lots of things. And ... I also care more than I let on. ...I think. Feelings are difficult for me... I only understand them in literature. ...In... logical terms.
I'm selfish.
Strengths: ...There is nothing about me that is strong.
Weaknesses: ... Dull. Oversensitive. Annoying. Clueless. Scary. Scaredy. ...and ... I cause trouble.
Bad Habits: Is bad luck, a bad habit? ... I'm blamed for a lot of accidents. It might be true, though. Perhaps.
... And I don't make eye contact with people. I look through them.
That's bad.
Likes: Fruit juice. Strawberries. Bread type food... anything with carbs, basically. ...Poetry. Rainy days. Aniki. Ink pens. Calligraphy. "The pen is mightier than the sword." Geniuses. Being happy. Doing new things. Helping others... I'm not good at that, though. ...Travel on airplanes. That's nice. And winning. Yes. It feels good to win.
Dislikes: ...Shouting. Rapists. Terrorists. Death. ...Most people. Ah. Games. I do poorly at them. Fighting... ah... well... most competitive activities, in fact.... (I always lose. That's why I like winning?) Driving. It's too dangerous. Ah. Cars in general. ...I don't like New York. Bad memories. ...Small children. I don't have the 'daddy' instinct. Didn't have a daddy. ...So, there was nowhere to learn it from.
Hobbies: Writing. ... Maybe, writing about epic battles in rain. But mostly poems.
Talents: ...are in the eye of the beholder. .... I don't know if I'm talented.
Interests: ... I am interested in things that I like. People that I like, too.
Favourite character: L. Because as a genius, he's the best.
Matsuda. Because as a person, he's the best.
... I admire them both.
Least favourite character: .... I'm sorry.... Mihael.
He's just so loud....
Would you use the Death Note?: .... My pen would be the mightiest weapon of them all.
Who would you use it on, and why?: ... Excuse me, but... I said that I wouldn't.
... if I did.
Simply put.
I would write one name. And then another.
And I would not stop.
They'd catch me rather quickly....
Do you support Kira?: ... If Kira's world existed, I would be happy.
... But. Kira... must be a very sad person, to do the things that he does. It is sorrowful people who seek justice.
...and I don't think that a world of happiness and kindness can come from such an anguished soul....
If someone like Matsuda-san was Kira, I'd support Kira. But someone like Matsuda-san would never do it. Because a brave person saves the world peacefully.
... Therefore, I pass.
Anything else you'd like to add?: .... Thank you for your votes.
Pictures!: ... I don't put my picture on the internet.
Death Note teaches us that much.
My five votes!: