Name: Ashlee
Age: 19
Height: 5'3"
Personality: My personality varies...I guess you can say. I'm most calm, quiet and reserved. I don't let people know the real me since I've been hurt and betrayed in the past because I spoke what was on my mind and people used that against me. I've learned to control my feelings/emotions when I'm around other people other than my family members. I often give people short answers and I often try not to tell how I think/view them because I would end up hurting them. It mostly resolves around emotions really.
Strengths: My family and my loyalty (my loyalty often gets me into trouble)
Weaknesses: I have a problem of trusting people these days. I can't be open with my feelings anymore because I've been betrayed in the past. My loyalty often gets me into trouble because I end up putting so much faith into that person that it becomes my downfall. I also hate speaking in public. I'm afraid that people would laugh and turn me away because I spoke what's on my mind.
Bad Habits: Bitting my nails
Likes: Being left alone, my family, writing, reading, beading, and listing to music
Dislikes: Being bothered, traitors, liers, backstabers, know it alls, people who don't even try, people who don't use commen sense, posers, people who talk behind your back, rain, thunderstorms, snow, cold, spiders, and tornados.
Hobbies: Reading and writing
Talents: Would beadwork count as a talent? O_o;;
Interests: Graphic desinger
Favourite character:
Least favourite character: Misa...I don't know why...but she just annoys the heck out of me
Would you use the Death Note?: Yes
Who would you use it on, and why?: People. And people who hurt me in the past, I guess you can say revenge
Do you support Kira?: Perhaps on a certain level I do (shrugs)
Anything else you'd like to add?: I don't think so.....
((People have said I have Ryuk's smile))
My five votes!: