Name: Erin
Age: 25
Height: 5'5"
Personality: I am: very easy to get along with (I really hate drama and confrontation), easily amused, giggly, optimistic yet prone to bouts of depression, giving, honest, kind, sensitive, sympathetic, sentimental, analytical, intelligent (in more of a "feelings" than "facts" way - in other words I'd never make it on Jeopardy, but I'd make a great psychologist), easily brought to tears, can be weird/hyper/cheeky (yay caffeine and sleep dep! oh and fangirling!), and slightly paranoid/anxiety prone.
Strengths: Probably my greatest strength is that I always do my best to make other people happy. I'm good at putting my thoughts into writing. I have an eye for colors that go together and what is aesthetically pleasing. I'm willing to try almost anything once unless it's completely mad and dangerous. I am a hard worker, whether in school or at a job, so my teachers or supervisors tend to love me. I'm a devoted mother who would do anything to ensure that my daughter is happy and healthy, and I would without hesitation utterly destory anyone who messes with her. ^_^ I love to give money to charity if I can. I am deeply sympathetic to those with mental illness (usually homeless) and have a strong desire to help as many people as possible.
Weaknesses: I am terribly shy around new people and I just sort of retreat into my own head and don't know how to make conversation. Even though I crave friendship, I have few friends because of my tendency to come off as a snob at first. In reality I am wondering why anyone would bother with me in the first place (oh hai low self-esteem!) so I am sparing them the trouble and the disappointment. Other weaknesses include: overly sentimental, cries way too easily, can be stubborn, poor speaking skills, not mentally quick (not stupid, just takes a few seconds to process things, probably because I'm always enmeshed in my own thoughts), takes forevvvvver to make a decision (down to what flavor of Snapple I want), insomniac, procrastinator, has a hard time saying no and people take advantage of that.
Bad Habits: Jumping to the worst possible conclusions (like if someone is late they must have died in a car accident), assuming that I am annoying people, staying up too late on the computer, becoming easily obsessed with new things, wasting money, doubting myself because so many other people are prettier/more talented.
Likes: Anime, manga, video games, caffeine, swingsets, lying in the grass staring at the sky, being pleasantly drunk with friends. Best thing is being near my daughter and when she says "I love you." ;_;
Dislikes: Stereotypes, gossip, arrogance, pouty myspace pictures, homophobes, racists, pushy religious people, drama queen types, negligent parents, magazines (usually a total waste of paper), commercials/advertisements, beauty pageants, people who wear things just because it's trendy, and people who take pleasure in being mean. D:
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading, video games, tennis. I don't have a lot of time for hobbies, though.
Talents: Studying at the last minute, appearing confident when I need to be, empathizing with others, interpreting my dreams, being able to "see the forest for the trees" so to speak.
Interests: Learning more languages, traveling to lots of different countries, learning how to cook. Raising my daughter well.
Favourite character: I love so many of the characters, but my favorite . . . oh, it has to be L. I love all of his expressions and habits. And I just think he has this "real" quality to him that makes people wish he really existed.
Least favourite character: I am none too happy with Light. I believe that he started out with a noble goal, but I disagree with his decision to kill the FBI agents and anyone else who got in his way. Light proved to be a manipulative sociopath. He may say that he values a peaceful, crime-free world, but it's clear that what he really cares about is power and control, and I find that loathesome.
Would you use the Death Note?: I've given this a lot of thought, and I can only really say, it depends.
Who would you use it on, and why?: Well, here's the thing. If I knew about the rule "Humans who use the Death Note cannot go to Heaven or Hell" then I would probably not use it. Because that would be proof that such places exist, and if I couldn't go there, then I would never see my loved ones when I died.
If I did not know about this rule, I would first of all test the Death Note on someone who had commited a terrible crime, probably someone in jail. Once I knew it worked, I would think very hard about what to do next. Part of me would definitely want the eyes of a Shinigami so that I could go out and kill people who are truly vile, such as men who stone women or gang rape them, because people like that are a waste of flesh who should not continue living. Child abusers need to die also, and of course murderers and terrorists. So, this would occur to me. And I'd wonder how it'd be possible to find all these criminals without dying or getting caught, myself. I'd be so tempted to get rid of all the corrupt people in the world, but unless I had a grand plan, and sacrificed my normal life, it wouldn't be possible. And, there will always be people who hurt others. Killing someone after the fact is justice but it's not saving the life of their victim. The only way to truly stop it would be to pull a Light-kun and make your presence as "god" known so that people are too afraid to commit crimes. And I'm not as smart as Light-kun, so I don't know if it'd be possible. Plus I don't want to kill anyone other than criminals.
There is a very high chance that after thinking it through I'd destroy the notebook. This is something I may never decide on, though.
Do you support Kira?: I support the idea of Kira but the person in that role should not be a sociopath or seeking glory.
Anything else you'd like to add?: Nope!
My five votes!:
1 2 3 4 5