Death Note Anonymous Kink Meme

Oct 24, 2007 03:02

Welcome to the Death Note Anonymous Kink Meme!

How it works:

* Comment anonymously with a kinkfic request. All requests must contain a character or pairing/threesome/moresome (any combination of guys/girls/shinigami/whatever are OK, crossovers are fine too), and at least one kink. If you need inspiration, check out this huge list of kinks by eliade. ( Read more... )

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anonymous September 10 2010, 07:09:08 UTC

Bondage, dirty talk, noncon, the kinkier the better.

Would be AWESOME if someone managed to make this not entirely hilarious.


anonymous September 10 2010, 22:29:20 UTC
...I hate you. D:

This is hitting SUCH a squicky nerve with me but it's tapping into a plot point that is TOO SELDOM IGNORED. And that = plot bunnies. Evil, evil plot bunnies. With rabies.

Um... how does OP feel about less sexual and more flat-out fucking DISTURBING. Because that's all that's coming at me right now. You'd certainly get the whole "not entirely hilarious" thing. >_> I can go with physical pwnage with some strong undertones, but I don't think I could ever write actual sex/rape. If you're okay with that, I may consider writing it.

No, seriously, this is going against everything I ever... I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME.

this is going to give me rabies, I know it


anonymous September 11 2010, 00:53:14 UTC
If OP doesn't want, I'll sure take it. Mind fuck me into tomorrow. >:D

(even if it's not mind fuck)


anonymous September 11 2010, 01:01:12 UTC
I... I may have a go at it, then. We shall see.

Also, by "too seldom" I meant "too often" and I'm fucking stupid


anonymous September 11 2010, 01:05:27 UTC

My sadism kink runs so strong that I would totally enjoy it even if there was no sex at all, just one of them beating the ever loving shit out of the other.

Please do write it. I just need to read this!


anonymous September 11 2010, 01:06:52 UTC
Also, to the other anon thinking about taking this prompt, YOU SHOULD DO IT TOO. THE MORE THE MERRIER.

Srsly, just put either of them in absolutely as much pain - physical and psychological - as is humanly possible. God I just want them to hurt.

Am I a bad person? ;_;


Only Human [1] anonymous September 19 2010, 03:55:23 UTC
Just a forewarning - this is non-sexual, as I'd mentioned. Hope it hits the sadism kink regardless.


An interrogation room.

Well, that was a privilege Matsuda never had particularly often. At least... not by himself. He’d been designated as the “good cop” in many interrogations - often with Ide, or Aizawa, whose personalities were much more stern, and with whom Matsuda’s instinct for sympathy for a person in distress proved to be refreshing to most inmates, and was incredibly effective.

But no; this time there was no one to accompany him, and there were some people who simply did not warrant even his sympathy ( ... )


Only Human [2] anonymous September 19 2010, 04:00:17 UTC
“I don’t!!”

“My god, that would have been ironic,” Matsuda thought aloud, slightly bemused, letting go of Mello’s hair and walking around to face him. “Killed by your own clue. I was the only one on the team who thought he should have gone through with it, you know.”

Mello’s lips slowly spread into a grin. “Then we’re not so different after all, are we now?”


It wasn’t a defensive warning slap. It was a harsh, unyielding you-watch-what-you-say-young-man blow that stung more than Mello would have ever expected. And before he knew it, he was looking at the ceiling; he barely noticed the new perspective before he felt the pain of being knocked onto his back, still in the chair, all his weight crushing the metal into his wrists behind him. And then he felt the chair being slid from beneath him, and there was nothing between him and the sterile ground.

“What did you do to her?”Mello was caught completely off guard. “...Huh ( ... )


Only Human [3, final] anonymous September 19 2010, 04:05:57 UTC
Mello felt as if he were going to vomit. “C...cut it out, you’re fucking crazy...”

“Any idea what it’s like to have someone who’s been more of a father to you than your own killed in front of you? Do you have any goddamn clue??”

Mello was wheezing weakly, blood trickling steadily from his mouth and nose. “...Christ, you really are an idiot, aren’t you? Did you forget Wammy’s House is an orphanage? You don’t know anything about me. Grow up.”

Matsuda felt sick to his stomach. He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, trying to collect himself. God, how could I have... he’s a kid. He’s probably already been through more than I ever have. He’s just a kid. And so was...

He opened his eyes, and suddenly it was no longer Mello’s wounded face staring up at him coldly; it was Light’s. He was covered in blood, just as he looked when Matsuda found him dead on the stairs after hoping, praying that his outburst hadn’t led to his death, screaming when he found that it was a lost cause. But Light’s eyes were open now, not closed in pained ( ... )


Not the OP, but loved it anonymous September 27 2010, 14:26:20 UTC
Oh, this is incredibly great. Creepy, satisfying, in-character for both of them even though it was a dream. Loved it!

I'm sure you would have gotten more comments by now, except that the "updated" page is about two weeks out of date.


Re: Not the OP, but loved it anonymous September 28 2010, 04:47:43 UTC
Thanks so much!! I'm glad Mello was in-character; I've never written him before. O_o

But as I was writing, I was all like, "omg it's not even Mello saying this, it's all the things Matsuda is bothered by in his own mind but does not want to listen to, MELLO IS THE SUBCONSCIOUS, YOU'RE WEAK FOR CARING ABOUT PEOPLE TOO MUCH ETC YOU'RE JUST AS SELFISH AS EVERYONE ELSE" D:


Re: Only Human [3, final] anonymous September 27 2010, 22:53:24 UTC
Op here, that was... so awesome. <3 Everything I wanted and more. I'm blown away by how naturally you worked in all the canon plot points and how they would have fucked with Matsuda.

This was so amazing.


Re: Only Human [3, final] anonymous September 28 2010, 04:44:31 UTC

Thank you so much. It's also nice to see someone else that *gets* him. So many people are like "LOL he's so dumb and cute he makes no sense" but he makes such perfect sense to me. All those plot points fuck with me too. lol. :(

And I'm glad it was what you wanted even without the non-con!! <3 I couldn't visualize it at all; he's one for outbursts, not prolonged/premeditated stuff like that would have been, not to mention I'm squicked by him with another guy. ^^; But I loved the anger behind the overall concept of the prompt and I was afraid I'd be screwing around with the request too much by filling it this way, because my squick shouldn't put a damper on your kink. So I'm glad it didn't ( ... )


Re: Only Human [3, final] anonymous October 7 2010, 23:42:06 UTC
I know I'm only like ridiculously late on this and author!anon will probably not see it, but. This fic is pretty much everything that's awesome about DN and its fandom to me - how canon is so rich with these details that can be convincingly read into to create something deep and interesting instead of just cracky and OOC, and how willing the fandom has always been to do just that. Glad to see this aspect of DN fic isn't quite dead, and terrific work author!anon. =)

(also there is never enough utterly broken, post-canon Matsuda... hnnng)


Re: Only Human [3, final] anonymous October 17 2010, 01:32:58 UTC
NO NO it's okay! I actually track the meme, so. (plus, damn, you really weren't that late!)

Thank you. So much. <3

(and yes I agree. I mean he does get on with life because he's Matsuda and always sees the bright side but damn does he have reason to question that bright side now. ;_;)


Re: Only Human [3, final] anonymous October 25 2010, 18:12:48 UTC
Ohhhh... oh Matsuda. That's so terribly sad and it's a brilliant portrayal of him, of how he'd be feeling about all of it. Awesome, awesome fic.


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