Posting is over!

Nov 02, 2011 10:27



Hopefully the fest this year was enough to put a smile on your face - We realize a lot of things could have been done better, organized better, or just...better, loool. Next year things will obvs be different, enough that so many mistakes won't happen again, and we hope most of you return ( Read more... )

+ mod post

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Comments 9

strawberry_kait November 2 2011, 17:36:39 UTC
::hugs:: for the WONDERFUL mods! This was such a blast!

And ::hugs:: for all the fabulous authors and awesome reviewers!!


dormiensa November 2 2011, 17:45:39 UTC
thanks ladies! fest was fun, and you were on the ball with things!


xfsista November 2 2011, 17:46:31 UTC
Thanks so much! It's amazing that you put it together in such a short period of time. And look at all the new fics we got out of it!

Now, I have to go back and read them. I'm so behind!


silvia_elisa November 2 2011, 18:18:07 UTC
Don't put yourselves down, you managed to set up and bring to life a fest in a matter of days! Well done! Also, I had so so so much fun. Still am, as I'm still reading... ;)


namelessamelie November 2 2011, 19:47:34 UTC
I still can't believe how quickly you managed to pull together an entire fest! Amazing, really. =) Thank you so, so much for all your work-- it was a lot of fun, and I loved being a part of it!


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