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Comments 9

ldymusyc November 1 2011, 14:50:28 UTC
*flails* SO CUTE. Arguing! Teasing! Tense looks and confusion! I love it.


mccargi November 1 2011, 15:23:24 UTC
I love this! Thank you so much, it was a delightful Halloween treat.

“You contemplated stripping naked and showing up for Potions?” she asked curiously.

Draco blushed furiously and looked down at his feet. “That was-that was a purely theoretical example.”

This was great and made me giggle. :)


quietspring November 1 2011, 16:50:08 UTC
Awww, this was so sweet. And I love the idea of Draco trying to get Hermione's attention, and it totally escaping her notice. Wonderful! :)


eilonwy1 November 1 2011, 17:48:08 UTC
Just lovely and very sweet without being at all saccharine. It hits all the right notes and very economically. Funny and poignant and honest, the way their feelings are portrayed. It really rings true, not only for these characters, but for seventeen-year-olds in general-- awkward and uncertain, insecure and feeling things so very passionately but not always very sure of how to channel such passions.



strawberry_kait November 1 2011, 19:05:57 UTC
Draco's not the only one blushing now! This was wonderful. I love such misunderstanding/signals crossed stories like this when they are pulled off without a hitch! The pacing (no pun intended) was just right, not over-the-top or too-neatly wrapped up. Well done, Worksofstone!


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