Title: Madness
rosweldrmrRating: K+
Disclaimer: Harry Potter © J.K. Rowling // Quote: "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche
Warnings: first person, present tense
Summary: Even as much as she loves order and structure, there's still a part of her that's trying to prove she
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Comments 25
I guess it would've helped to give more insight into their relationship... but I liked that it was rather mysterious.
I will consider everyone's suggestions in the future.
Thank you.
I can see her delivering an ultimatum, and then not being able to go through with it.
Beautifully done, with plenty of luscious description!
And, in my mind, it was Hermione that was keeping them apart.
Very keen eye!
And thank you for the 'luscious description' compliment. It was very flattering.
I like this because it is so well-written but as previous posters mentioned, why can't she leave Ron [is she is married to him] and go with Draco? I almost feel that choosing that option would be harder on her Gryffindor tendencies. =]
I purposely didn't address who she was marrying, just that she was.
Because of Draco's POV, I found that it almost fit better to be less forthcoming with details of their relationship (i.e. when and how it started, why they aren't together out in the open, etc.)
I guess that's just my own personal preferences coming through.
Thanks for the suggestions though, I will keep them in mind.
Sort of melancholy... but great nonetheless.
Thanks for the last minute help on this, I couldn't have done it without you.
I always found it sort of appealing myself. :)
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